Each show, except the first, was themed after a certain album, the last featuring songs from, then yet to be released, VULGAR. Each disc featured one evening of performance by the band, dressed in different outfits each night.
Day 1 featured Kyo appearing in full body make up resembling charred skin. This was the only day not themed after an album.
Day 2 featured Kyo in a casualized dress uniform. This day was themed after their GAUZE release, with songs from other eras that suited the style.
Day 3 featured Kyo in cyberpunk-like trench coat, which was later removed for a plain black vest. The theme of that night was MACABRE with songs from other releases that suited the style.
Day 4 featured Kyo in a black jacket over a red silk shirt, both of which were stripped before the show's end. His pants were also torn to reveal thigh-high black and white tights. The day was themed after Kisou, with songs from other releases to accentuate the style.
Day 5 featured Kyo in his outfit used for the OBSCURE promotional video. The outift was a black jumpsuit with large black gloves and arm coverings. The day's theme was VULGAR which had yet to be released. Other songs were played that were fit for that style.
This DVD was only released to members of the Dir en grey fan club, 「a knot」, and it can go for as much as $500+ when it is on eBay (which is rarely).