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2011-03-08 15:25:14
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Scottish House of Night Information page

[Right you must read this all and understand it before you join my rpg, yeah? It's not like the movies at all, it's more based on the books. If you have any questions, just pm and I'll get back to you :)]

About the House of Night:

At the House of Night School, classes begin at 8pm and end at 3am and the gym is open until dawn. You can never be far from an adult Vampyre for long, and it’s not like you’ll turn into a pumpkin, it’s a much bigger deal than that. Formal rituals are held at Nyx’s Temple twice a week. At the ceremony’s commencement,turn to the east, south, west and north to summon (in order) air, fire, water and earth. If one of the cats at the school chooses you, you will belong to him or her, not the other way around. If you ever leave school grounds, you cannot wear any part of your uniform (which is primarily basic black) and must conceal all tattoo markings. Here at the House of Night school, there are no lockers. You will have cabinets in your homeroom. If someone steals something, the vamps will know it. As will Nyx.


*Vampire sociology
*Equestrian studies (Horse riding)
*Tae Kwan Do
*Blood lust & imprinting


An Imprint between vampyre and human does not occur every time a vampyre feeds. Many studies have been performed to try to determine exactly why some humans Imprint and some do not, but though there are several determining factors, such as emotional attachment, relationship between the human and the vampyre pre-Change, age, sexual orientation, and frequency of blood drinking, there is no way to predict with certainty whether a human will Imprint with a vampyre.

Due to the possibility of Imprint, fledglings are prohibited from drinking the blood of human donors, but they may experiment with each other. It has been proven that fledglings cannot Imprint one another. However, it is possible for an adult vampyre to Imprint a fledgling. This leads to emotional and physical complications once the fledgling completes the Change that are often not beneficial for either vampyre; therefore, blood drinking between fledgling and adult vampyre is strictly prohibited.

Sexuality & Bloodlust:

Though the frequency of need differs depending upon age, sex, and general strength of the vampyre, adults must periodically feed on human blood to remain healthy and sane. It is, therefore, logical that evolution, and our beloved Goddess, Nyx, have insured the blood drinking process is a pleasurable one, both for the vampyre and the human donor. The older the vampyre, the more endorphins are released during blood drinking, and the more intense the experience of pleasure for vampyre and human. Vampyres have speculated for centuries that the ecstasy of blood drinking is the key reason humans have vilified our race. Humans feel threatened by our ability to bring them such intense pleasure during an act they consider dangerous and abhorrent, so they have labeled us as predators. The truth, of course, is that vampyres can control their bloodlust, so there is little physical danger to human donors. The danger lies in the Imprint that often occurs during the ritual of blood drinking.


Although Nyx is the embodiment of Night in a literal divine personification, she is actually very similar to what people typically consider the Earth Goddess, Gaia. Nyx is found everywhere, she is most powerful at night, which is why her special children have always been vampyres. Since ancient times, vampyres have honored Nyx by living in a matriarchal society where women rule, but men are honored and respected for their roles as guardians and companions. Nyx ensouls the earth – filling rocks, trees, rivers and mountains with her spirit. She is known by many names including Changing Woman, Gaea, A’akuluujjusi, Kuan Yin, Grandmother Spider and even Dawn.
Often she gifts individual fledglings and vampyres with special powers. Those so gifted are also given the additional responsibility of becoming leaders among their kind such as High Priestesses or Warriors. Nyx is a benevolent Goddess. She is not jealous or vindictive, but she does not tolerate liars and her path is not always an easy one to tread. So, choose wisely...

Dark daughters & sons:

The Dark Daughters and Sons is the House of Night’s premier fledgling organization. Its members are the best and brightest of our school and set the standard for the other fledglings. The Leader of the Dark Daughters is chosen because Nyx has gifted her with extraordinary powers. This young woman is considered a High Priestess in Training and has the added responsibility of both performing monthly rituals dedicated to Nyx and leading the fledgling members in the rituals. The Leader of the Dark Daughters is mentored by the High Priestess of the House of Night,
who takes special interest in her development. Membership in the Dark Daughters and Sons is by exclusive invitation only.

The symbol for the Dark Daughters is the traditional symbol for the Triple Goddess: two crescent moons back-to-back against a full moon. The Leader of the Dark Daughters wears a silver pendant with the symbol, a full moon encrusted with garnets.


Sprirt (RARE!!)
Prophetic Visions(RARE!!!!)
Prophetic Poet
Extreme accuracy and potency

Male vampyres usually get physical affinities like extra strength, or ability to never miss a target


The customary ritual begins with the calling of the elements – air, fire, water, earth and spirit. The leader of the ceremony then speaks, giving what could be considered a sermon. Next wine is passed around and shared amongst those in the circle. Finally the circle is closed, and the ritual leader concludes the ritual with the words “Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again."

Warrior’s Oath:

The Warrior’s Oath binds a Warrior with a High Priestess, and pledges service and protection to the High Priestess for life.

Warrior’s Oath vs. Imprinting: Imprinting is a cruder connection that a Warrior Oath. It is ruled by basic emotions such as passion. lust, need, hunger, and pain. Whereas the Warrior Oath is a much deeper connection rooted in energy and spirit.

Advantages of Warrior’s Oath: A Warrior can absorb his Priestess’s emotions and spirit. If she has a strong affinity, he can often tap into that.


Alcohol: It is impossible for vampyres to become drunk by consuming alcohol.

Recovery: Vampyres have the ability to recover quickly after injury.

Sun: Vampyres do not burn in the sun, but the sun does make them extremely uncomfortable. Therefore, they prefer to avoid it as much as possible.

Time: Vampyres always know what time it is.

Truth: It is impossible to lie to an Adult Vampyre when asked a direct question.

The Mark & The Change:

Change: Once Marked, a fledgling must report directly to the House of Night where, over the next few years, he or she will make the transformation into an adult vampyre. About ten percent of Marked fledglings’ bodies reject the Change, and they die.

Mark: The mark is sapphire-blue crescent moon outline that is placed on the middle of the forehead by a Tracker when a fledgling is called by Nyx to make the Change into a vampyre. Once Marked, a new fledgling must report to the House of Night as soon as possible. When a fledgling completes the Change, the crescent moon fills in and additional markings span the rest of the face.

Name Choice: Once Marked, vampyre fledglings can choose which name to go by in their new life.

Tracker: The Tracker Marks new vampire fledglings.

Signs of Respect

Bowing: Vampyres bow and cross their fists over their hearts as a sign of respect.

Greeting: Much like the shaking of hands, vampyres greet and show respect by shaking forearms, a custom acquired from the Amazons.

The Sons Of Erebus:

The Sons Of Erebus are an elite warrior class.

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