Page name: Scottish House of Night [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-03-08 15:37:26
# of watchers: 10
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The House Of Night School is a private boarding school for vampyre's.
If you’ve been Marked by a Tracker, night has chosen thee. You will go through the Change and turn into a vampyre. However, if your body rejects the Change, you die. You are Marked, you must leave your home and move into the House of Night school,where you will take your place as a fledgling and live for four years.



1. All characters must go here--->House of Night Fledglings Or House of Night Teachers Or Son of Erebus
2. All sex must go here--->Vampyre Sex
3. All non-RP talk must go in () or []
4. No being mean to each other or you will be asked to leave after 3 warning
5. Spelling dosen't matter but NO text talk and PLEASE use PROPER engish.
6. Anyone can join and please invite people too :D
7. You rp here--->House Of Night RP area
8. No KILLING off other people character without his or hers say so
9. No god moding
10.Please keep the story line intersting, make up your know twists but please keep to the story line :)
11.No more than 4 characters and they have to be Russian!!!
12.No power play (this includes your character being everywhere at once.)
13.There is no love at first sight here, it takes time and effort to fall in love even if you character does have a crush on another character.

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2011-03-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: WARNING! When you like this page it will somehow make you stop watching it! >.< So please watch this page House Of Night RP area

2011-03-08 [Strawboy]: thats a weird error >.<

2011-03-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Yes I know >.<

2011-03-09 [GlassCasket]: So, uh can i be a guard?!?

2011-03-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sure :)

2011-03-09 [GlassCasket]: *orgasm*

2011-03-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: lol xD

2011-03-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: :D

2011-03-09 [wolvie]: k will join tonight :D

2011-03-09 [GlassCasket]: Which one should i be? O.o

2011-03-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: I don't know hun. You pick :)

yay wolvie :D

2011-03-10 [Ritsuka-Kun]: woot for wolvie :D

2011-04-08 [**Yummy**Mummy**]: woot!1

2011-04-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: lol

2011-04-09 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: :/

2011-04-09 [ArtworkA]: I LOVE THIS BOOK SERIES!

2011-04-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Me too! I've read all the book I just can't wait to read Destined :D

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