Deep and Meaningful Poems
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snowflakes are falling and freezing my soul
angels tears are drowning me
where are you god please help me
are you there
if you are answer me
i need help
i have lied to the one i love my soulmate
i don't deserve place of peace
i deserve the place where sinners dwell
god can you here me
i'm crying for help
where are you
i can't feel you anymore
why have you forsaken me
i should end it all MAKE IT QUICK
so noone has to live with my shit anymore
i am a burden to my family
my friends are all i have
i don't even have you and you haven't answered my cry for help
i have sinned i will one day put an end to my existence
The Earth I Hate
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as I shake with fright
on this single eve
I look to the sky
and I see them there,
as they fly through dark
they swoop down for me
Their claws, they grab out,
for a small minute
everything goes dark
the light comes to veiw
my body feels cold,
emptyness is gone
fullfilment is there,
with my clothes ascue
i go before him
my judgement is now
but i lose my grip
and i come back down
to the earth i hate...
By [
I see the sun
slipping away
and the darkness
comes here with me
it tugs at my heart
should i let it come in?
or should i let it go?
I could not let it in
it must dissapear
as i run back to town
the sun begins to rise
but i am sure the night
will have to come again
I Hate
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Fairyland Fanfare]
I hate not feeling anything when I
see dead children in my room every evening at 9 o'clock.
I hate not feeling anything when I
hear myself say that you're actually dead.
I hate hearing your voice in my head,
screaming at me to fucking stop!
I hate knowing that you're hunting me,
watching every step I take.
I hate knowing the air that I breathe
is nothing but the poisoned breath of you.
I hate not feeling anything when I
break all the bones that I have in my body.
I hate not remembering
why there's blood on my hands and a fire behind me.
I hate not remembering
why they sharpen long knives upon the rusty hills.
I hate not feeling anything when I'm
enticed by the echo of your uncanny voice.
I hate not feeling
even my heart.
A Girl
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There was once a girl
so happy and young.
She had a nice family,
her life was fun.
Then one day,
it was meant to be.
Her parents split up,
the girl only three.
Her life went from bad,
to terribly worse.
At five years of age
she must've been cursed.
Her Grandma died,
she lost her home.
Most of the time
she was left all alone.
The girl hardly had friends
until she was nine.
Her only company,
her only lifeline.
At the age of eleven
she began middle school.
Where she was a loser,
the others were cool.
She started seeing life
in a strange but new way.
At the age of twelve
she smoked every day.
Her hair was cut,
she dyed it black.
She didn't care
what they thought of that.
Now an eigth grader,
she's beginning to see.
She's not a weirdo,
for she is me.
By [
Willow Rose]
You know what?
I'd be the perfect actress.
Wanna know why?
All I'd have to do is think of you, to start to cry...
I'm going to quit you, if it's the last thing I do.
I'm so fucking tired of being used by you.
You'd better start acting like the "friend" you wanna be.
Or you can kiss me one last time...
By [
As the blade of a knife slid down my wrist, my fate is determind by one last kiss, of the one i hold dear. As the blade of the knife slides down my arm it takes all my sarrow and it makes me colm, and as i slowly get closer i for get all my pain, because the blade of a knife is all that remains
By [
Darkness engulfs me
Who knew it would be so welcomed
As I lie there breathing it in
I realize I’m at peace, for the first time.
I close eyes and reflect
I notice the happened
I’m dead but how
Maybe it was that pill or the razor
Maybe a mix but it has happened
And it can’t be undone.
By [
You say you miss me and that you love me
Then I see you out with another girl.
Why lie?
You say she mean nothing to you
But I see you kissing and hugging on her
Why lie?
If you lied about that
What else did you lie about?
By [
I’m sorry I’m not skinny.
I’m sorry I’m so tall.
I’m sorry I didn’t turn out like my younger sister.
I’m sorry that I’m the one that’s the screw up.
I’m sorry that I don’t do anything right.
I’m sorry that I’m the one that is the “whore”.
I’m sorry I never do anything right in your eyes.
I’m sorry for being me.
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