Page name: Yet More News Updates [Exported view] [RSS]
2008-08-10 05:25:58
Last author: wolvie
Owner: wolvie
# of watchers: 2
Fans: 0
D20: 10
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Wolvie sneezes loudly
BigT66 whispers bless u in Wolvies ear
Wolvie keeps sleeping deeply
BigT66 keeps cuddled up
Wolvie wakes up and see's BigT66 cuddling with her, then shrugs and goes back to sleep
BigT66 accidnetally puts his hand on Wolvies breasts
Wolvie growls and elbows BigT66
BigT66 grunts and rolls over and falls off the bed with a loud thump
Wolvie giggles then asks if BigT66 is ok
BigT66 nods and gets back into bed
Wolvie giggles and cuddles with BigT66
BigT66 kisses Wolvies neck and cuddles
Wolvie is already back asleep
BigT66 goes back to sleep...mumbles i love u to Wolvie
Wolvie snores a little in her sleep
BigT66 smiles in his sleep
Wolvie also smiles
BigT66 keeps cuddling
Wolvie ish too deep asleep to cuddle
BigT66 wakes up and sneaks out of the room...makes Wolvie breakfast
Wolvie is still deep asleep
BigT66 brings the breakfast into the bedroom...gently shakes Wolvie
Wolvie yawns and wakes up and see's the breakfast...smiles at BigT66
BigT66 smiles and says morning sunshine
Wolvie smiles back and says good morning
BigT66 starts to feed Wolvie
Wolvie smiles and lets BigT66 feed her
BigT66 says here comes the airplane and makes airplane noises as he moves the fork closer to Wolvies mouth
Wolvie glares at BigT66 and doesn't open her mouth
BigT66 tries a different tactic and says here comes the choo choo
Wolvie glares and keeps her mouth shut
BigT66 apologizes and stops with the childish noises
Wolvie smiles then informs BigT66 that she only lets the ambulance in
BigT66 smiles and then says here comes the Ambulance and makes siren sounds
Wolvie smiles and opens her mouth for the food
BigT66 smiles and the "Ambulance" keeps making return trips
Wolvie eats happily, giggling a little
BigT66 keeps feeding Wolvie til all the breakfast is gone
Wolvie smiles and thanks BigT66 for the food
BigT66 smiles and says anytime
Wolvie gets up and makes BigT66 a huge breakfast
BigT66 smiles and says thankx
Wolvie smiles back and hands him his food
BigT66 pouts at Wolvie and says..u no feed?
Wolvie rolls her eyes then makes ambulance sounds with the fork
BigT66 closes his mouth and shakes his head
Wolvie grolws in frustration and throws the sppon at BigT66
BigT66 smiles and says he only lets airplanes in
Wolvie growls then makes airplane noises
BigT66 opens his mouth and eats
Wolvie feeds him till all the food is gone
BigT66 smiles and says thanx
Wolvie smiles back and says welcome
BigT66 takes a ring box out of his pocket and opens it and asks Wolvie to marry him
Wolvie rolls her eyes and smiles at BigT66 and reminds him that she is already in love with somone else
BigT66 smiles and say he knows...puts the ring away and asks if we can still pretend its our honeymoon
Wolvie smiles and says sure
BigT66 smiles and says time for honeymoon sex
Wolvie rolls her eyes and says dream on bub
BigT66 smiles and says he can dream
Wolvie smiles back and says sure he can
BigT66 smiles and tells Wolvie the dreams are about her
Wolvie rolls her eyes and punches BigT66 playfully
BigT66 smiles and playfully pushes Wolvie
Wolvie playfully pushes him back
BigT66 starts tickling Wolvie
Wolvie laughs and says EEEEEEKKKKK!!!!!!!


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