Page name: What Love Means To Me [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-12-04 18:00:24
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[.What love means to me.]

[..Love..] is a word that shouldn't be tossed around.
It's not an everday word, just used whenever you want.
Like "an", "is", "me", and "you".
It actually has a meaning,
That is [|incomperable|] to those words.

When you use it,
Let it flow out of your heart.
As if it was meant to have been said.
Do not force things because you [//.Think.....],
Only if you [**Know**].

Being [.IN.] love is different than just loving a person.
When you [..Love..] someone it has a meaning that says,
"I feel more comfortable around you than anyone else and you're a something i have been looking for."

When you put those two extra letters before love,
You've got that one person [.....IN.//] your mind, day in and day out.
You know that you want them for the rest of your life.
You can't get over them, no matter how hard you try.
You want [&.NO-ONE.&],
Other than that person.

When you fall [.....IN.//] love,
You will know.
It will not be a feeling like you have ever felt.
It will hit you out of nowhere.
Being IN love is like flying,
But without wings.

Once you have told that other you have fallen,
It's as if you have finally trusted fait and love,
To guide you.
And you have take that leap over the cliff.

Sometimes when you take that step, or leap,
You might not be caught at the bottom right away.
You might still be hanging on the side of the cliff,
Waiting until you know it's safe to let go.
Eventually [*&.Love.&*] will save you.

Love isn't like a fairytail either.
Like Cinderella or Snow White.
Love is hard.
Sometimes it's even [=HELL=].
But if you love eachother,
You know it's all worth it in the end.

All I have to say is,
"Whatever happens, happens; But it all happens for a reason. It's God's will."
Use love carefully.
Use it with thought and passion.

Along the way you will get hurt.
Many times possibly.
But everytime you learn something new,
Something different.
Do not look at it as a negative thing.
Take it as a "Lesson Learned."

Do not give up and loose all hope.
You will find your one and only,
Your [.::Everything::.],
Someday, Somehow.

Trust in yourself and never stop trying.
Whether you like it or not,
Someone does love you.
Even if you can't see it.

And one word of advice:
You cannot just tell someone you love them and expect everything to be fine.
You must [.[Show].] them,
If they feel the same about you,
They will also show it.

The smallest things count.
Whether it be doing the dishes,
Cuddling with them everynight,
Or even a simple phonecall.
Just to say,
"Honey, you're beautiful and i just wanted you to know that."
I mean it's the greatest thing a girl could hear from their man.
Not that she's sexy or hot.
But that she is beautiful.

And girls,
Just tell him thank you.
Even if it's just for opening the door or when he takes you out.
When he says,
"Don't thank me, it's no problem."
Thank him again and kiss him.
It'll show how much appreciation you have for him.
And sometimes,
Even give the dude something special.
Just for no occasion.
Only to show you love him.
Maybe something he collects.

But this is What love is to me.
This is How love is to me.
This is why Love is for [..HIM..].
Just for him,
Right from the heart of [&.//.Me......&].

And [-.Him.-] Being In General. Whoever I Am Loving.
I wrote this a few weeks ago.
I was bored and was writing down my thoughts about stuff.
But thats what it is to me.
In a weird way of putting it.

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