Page name: Nami, and the Seven Knights Main Characters [Exported view] [RSS]
2011-01-04 05:31:03
Last author: Ritsuka-Kun
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Nami, and the Seven Knights

Name:Nami Michiyo
Screen Name:[Sonya Blue]
Powers:Healing powers, only uses in case of an emergency, because it causes a great deal of stress on her own body
Personality:Strong willed, determined, has a heart of gold, and will stand up against anyone, shows no fear, even if she is really scared.
History:She is the queen of Nightfell, She was happily married to the man of her dreams, then Nightfell fell into civil war, thanks to her husbands half brother Jin. He killed her husband, and kidnapped her, holding her hostage until she agrees to surrender her kingdom to him. She does not yet know her husband is dead, She Is currently pregnant, With Jin's child, though she does not know it is Jin's, she believes it is her husbands.

Name:Jin Constena
Screen Name: [HeAVenShallBuRN]
Weapon: Sword
Powers: Fire, FIRE FIRE FIRE!
Personality:Cold, Sadistic, only shows kindness to his Wife Miri
History:Has always been jealous of his brother the king, which is what led him to start the war and kill his brother, he thought kidnapping Nami would be a good way to make his brother more worried about his wife than what he was planning, and he was right, he set his army to attack when his brother was distracted by something else. His next goal is to kill Nami, the Seven Knights, and anyone who followed the King so he can take over the kingdom.

Name:Miri Constena
Screen Name: [Ritsuka-Kun]
Weapon:Daggers, and Sais
Powers:Mind control
Personality:Cold, like her husband, but not quite as Sadistic, feels guilty about the death of Nami's husband, but she wouldn't say that to Jin
History:Not much is known about her past, until she married Jin. She is now his devoted wife, and is helping him try and take over so she can become queen, has a son she called Angel

Name:Arya Swan
Screen Name:[Sonya Blue]
Powers:Can control the weather
Personality:Sweet and caring, but strong and fierce in battle
History:Was the one of the first to join the group to save Nami, the man she loved was killed in battle, and was one of the 4 knights that died, he died protecting her, and was Killed by Jin. She is now driven to save Nami, because she does not want her loves death to be in vain. The kingdom she comes from believed in harsh and non stop training, she trained all hours of the day, and her tattoos are proof of this, only the strongest warriors are branded this way, to show others that this person is not one to mess with. Arya does not brag about the markings on her arm, but if asked, she will explain their meaning as best she can.

Name:Kaze Sparks
Screen Name: [Ritsuka-Kun]
Weapon:Daggers, and a long sword
Powers:he's an Ice demon, can control Ice, and water.
Personality:Cold, but caring, has an upbeat personality at times, only shows kind emotion to his close friends.
History:One of the seven knights[coming soon when i think of it :D]

Name:Jack Strongfeld
Screen Name:[WASHACKED]
Personality:Quiet, care free, and a loyal and caring person
History:One of the seven knights[comming when I think of some]

Name:Tallia Mastro
Screen Name:
History:Not one of the seven knights, but she joined the group not to long ago, in hopes to save Nami, she seems to have some kind of hidden agenda in doing so, like some kind of hidden business with Jin and Miri

Name: Laura Cortez

SN: [DragonicTunes]

Age: 45

Race: Human Elven Hybrid

Powers: Her arrows burn like acid through what they touch

Height: 5'11

Weapons: Sword, and a lighter, wooden version of the Rabanastian War Bow

Personality: Laura is seen as a cold, ruthless beauty, nothing about her is ever taken as 'pretty' or dainty. Her voice is clear, smooth, and cold; manipulating people easily with her sharp mind and tongue, her generals often described her as a 'pit-viper of a woman'. She had a great deal of physical and mental strength both on and off the battlefield and this is what her husband came to admire in her the very most; especially after her kinder side pulled him from the depths of despair he suffered after he was thrown in as king unprepared and forced to practically lose his two best friends and a son all at once. Their son Raphael takes after her far more than his father in both appearance, wit, and personality.

History: Laura grew up in Rabanastre raised about the same way as a boy due to being the only child in the main branch of her family. She accepted the duty readily and trained both mind and body for most of her life, and continued to do so after joining and climbing her way through the ranks of Rabanastre's army. Though due to the independent, boyish nature she'd become accustomed to, she remained uninterested in men, relationships, or marriage up until the age of 20 when she ended up challenging the king himself to a fight because of how incapable he seemed of ruling at the time. She inevitably lost after a long, rough fight. Despite the loss; her ability had won her a great deal of his respect and admiration, and after running into him again at his weakest, she realized just how much she cared for and wanted to protect her new king. Showing her his weak side and being honest with her about himself and his misdeeds was enough to pull her out of her shell so they were able to pursue a relationship and be married by the time she was 21. Luckily he realized such and was never dishonest with her as he'd been to women in the past. She got pregnant during their first year of marriage and was supposed to be able to give a normal birth. However, about a month and a half shy of her due date she was attacked by an assassin from from another country while she was in town with her husband. She received a severe wound before her husband had a chance to realize what had happened and take action, so she was forced to give birth premature by c-section and both her and their son, Raphael, nearly lost their lives as he was injured as well. Afterwards she was unable to bare another child despite her own wishes and her husband’s; luckily Raphael stayed true to his name and has seemingly come back from the brink of death a dozen times in his life. Eventually her husband was captured and killed by Rabanastre’s rival country, Arkdain, and she continued on as queen. She also filled her husband’s place in the military while her son took her previous role as second in command. Rabanastre ended up caught in Nightfell’s civil war when Nami was taken prisoner out of one of Rabanastre’s cities, known as the Nightshade Vale. When this happened, Laura left her country in the control of her son and went to Nightfell, but not to take the side she’d outwardly intended. She’s now joined Jin’s side, though her reasons are unknown. Undoubtedly it has something to do with some secret she knows from Jin’s parents, Nightfell’s previous king and queen.

Name: Raphael Cortez

SN: [DragonicTunes]

Age: 23

Race: Mostly Human


Height: 6'2

Weapons: Trained with a variety of weapons and hand the hand techniques, his base movements revolve around a martial art called Wushu but there are still influences from many different fighting styles.

Personality: Calm tempered and quick witted; he's considered a hero by the people of Rabanastre for salvaging victory from defeat when his father was captured in battle, though he'd quickly shrug off the title, saying 'Heroes are those who die, I want to be the one that ends the war'. Though the same people who call him that have also taken to calling him ‘the black devil’ due to his fighting ability. Seemingly able to push on despite horrible wounds, he's cold to his own injuries and often has to either lose consciousness completely or be dragged out of battle by medics to back down during a fight.

History: Raphael was born on the battlefront and raised in Arkdain’s war against his country, his father pushed him hard so there wouldn't be any doubt that he'd be able to succeed the throne. His father’s actions were never overly harsh though and Raphael never held anything against him. As a young child he was often bored senseless; too young to wander from the castle and having no one his own age to keep preoccupied with. At that point he was also too young to understand why his mother couldn't have another child, so he constantly bugged his father for a sibling. He regrets the action since he found out the fact of things and realized just how torn his father must have been about the situation. He trained hard, quick the please the people he was close to, by the time he was 15 he was ready to stand by his parents on the battlefield. Wherever he goes women often try to catch his attention but he plays a convincing attitude of being both polite towards them and clueless to their intentions, most of them lose interest when they see that they aren't getting anywhere. After getting involved in politics he became a bit irritated by Nightfell's royal family; though he showed Jin’s mother respect since she was previously a lady of Rabanastre, he has always thought both Jin’s father and brother to be impudent fools. Also, several times in his life he's broken one/both of his wrists; twice in battle and once as a child when he was bucked from his family's stallion, after the third time he's had wrist pain and the doctors have told him that between the ages of 40 and 50 he'll likely be completely unable to wield a sword. Despite the looming setback though, he fights hard, learns fast, and leads his men with great ambition and tactical genius, he's long since proven himself to the men he fights along side. He now rules Rabanastre in his mother’s absence, but he’s not as clueless to what she’s gotten involved with as she’d hoped. He feels her decision to support Jin is wrong because no matter what the reason why, he killed the people of Raphael’s country; an act which Raphael will not stand for.


Name: Addair Solidor

SN: [DragonicTunes]

Age: 21

Race: Sorcerer

Powers: Control over water and ice and the ability to speak with creatures from the coldest parts of the mountains

Height: 5'11"

Weapons: 'Enchanted' Dagger

Personality: Addair is very sweet, but his life has left him with a very dark undertone.

History: Addair is one of Nightfell's most respected generals and the last of 3 of the surviving 7 knights, he was badly injured by Jin but can soon come back strong. His father came from a rich family from Rabanastre and knew both Jin's and Raphael's parents. Addair was raised to be a general and still serves his duty until the bitter end for Nami.
Name: Evanna Solidor

SN: [DragonicTunes]

Age: 23

Race: Sorcerer

Power: Evanna can put light enchantments on certain objects

Height: 5'4"

Weapons: None

Personality: Timid, but straightforward, Evanna acts differently than most and sees things differently due to a mild form of autism.

History: Evanna is Addair's older sister, and one of three triplets. Her brother supports her and looks out for her due to her disability. She's also starting to lose her eyesight and it's a shame because in reality she's a very beautiful woman.

Name: Elix Solidor

SN: [DragonicTunes]

Age: 30

Race: Sorcerer

Power: The power to control electric currents and lightning




History: At the moment, a character of intrigue. All that's known is that he's a member of Rabanastre's army and Addair's older brother. In the future he may be the one who trains Nami's daughter to control her powers.

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2010-07-20 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: c

2010-07-22 [Bastet]: hello's i would like to join to use either one or both of the last two on the page if that is ok :) though mainly the very last one if someone is interested in having jack

2010-07-22 [Sonya Blue]: you can have either, nobody has said if they want either one...

2010-07-22 [Bastet]: ok, thank you

2010-07-22 [Sonya Blue]: no problem

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