Page name: Lingering Characters [Exported view] [RSS]
2011-01-08 18:53:46
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Linger Characters

EP name-[Tis gone but never gone]
Character name-Hallie Storm
Sexual like-Straight
Personality-Sweet, bubby person but she has a serious, protive side to her.
History-Hallie grew up on a farm outside London with her mother and five brothers, she worked on her family farm to get enough money to go to College to study journalism. Hallie works at the College coffee shop at night time, with her best friend Josh, which is where she met Marcus and his sister Rose. They where nice to her and didn't think that she was loser to work in the college cafe. It was about two months into their friendship when she found out that Rose and Marcus are vampires, and she was cool with it because she has a werewolf as a best friend.Hallie knows that she is doppelganger when Alyxnader came to her and told and then she, Josh and Josh's friend Mia trapped Alyxander in the cave.

EP name-[Tis gone but never gone]
Character name-Alyxandra Drake
Sexual like-Bi
Personality-She looks out for herself and no one else.
History-Although the Drake family history says the line ends with Alyxandera, this is not true. Before Alyxandera was turned, she had a daughter of wedlock, thus continuing the Drake bloodline. As far as it is known, the line currently ends with Hallie, making Alyxandera one of her ancestors. Alyxandera is the first Drake doppelganger, and has been running from a powerful vampire named Theron. Knowing that it is human blood that is needed to break the curse, Alyxandera used two vampires in order to get herself turned and escape her fate. After her transition, she returned to her home, and finds her family killed. Knowing Theron was behind the murders, she continues to run from him. Alyxandera warns Hallie that he will kill everyone she loves unless he gets what he wants. Her true purpose for returning to London is revealed. In order to break the curse, Theron needs the moonstone, a vampire , a werewolf (, a witchs to perform the spell ( and the doppelganger . Alyxandera planned to hand them all over to Theron, in exchange for forgiveness for escaping and becoming a vampire. But Alyxandera was trapped in a cave on the outside of London, a cave that no vampire can leave from.

EP name-
Character name-Marcus Petrova
Sexual like-
History-He was turned by his uncle Hunter because the old man didn't want to be alone.And when Hunter was killed by Alyxander because he was going to tell Theron that he found her. So this left Marcus upset and looking after his newly turned sister, Rose. Marcus met Hallie at the college cafe, but he thought she was Alyxander and he tryed to kill her once but Josh stopped him and Josh told him that Hallie wasn't a vampire or anything. So Marcus believed Josh but later found out that Hallie is the doppelganger, so he set out to protect her.

EP name- [DragonicTunes]
Character name-Rosemarie Petrova aka Rose
Sexual like-
History-Rose Was turned by Alyxander and left in the woods behind Rose's family house, she was found by her brother and he took care of her. Rose met Hallie and Josh at the college coffee shop when she and her brother where getting a coffee before their night class started. Rose almost killed Hallie right there and then but Marcus stopped her but then later on she found out from her brother that Hallie wasn't Alyxander but the doppelganger. So she has out to protect Hallie with her brother.

EP name- [Ritsuka-Kun]
Character name-Josh Walker
Sexual like- Gay
Personality- he's protective of people he cares about and all around a sweet guy
History-Josh grew up on a farm right next to Hallie's family farm, so they are pretty close friends. When he first shifted into a werewolf it was in front of Hallie in her bedroom when they where watching a scary movie. He had been so scared because he knew what happened to him but he wasn't sure how to turn back into his human form but when he did he told Hallie everything. He and Hallie worked everything out and they where still friends, and he has vowed to protect his best friend, Hallie. He went to college with Hallie, he is studying animal care while Hallie studies journalism. He was on his guard when he saw Marcus and Rose for the first time, because they are vampires and he knew that Hallie is the Doppelgannger. He had to stop Marcus from killing her, so he told Marcus about Hallie and who she was and he was glad when Marcus understood. He and his friend Mia and Hallie trapped Alyxander in a cave by his families farm after Alyxander caused some trouble in London.

EP name-
Character name-Theron
Age-2.58 million years old
Sexual like-
History-He is the oldest and strongest of the vampires as well as the leader of the Edentates . Despite this, Theron is hated by every vampire but also feared. He is known to be obsessed and his obsessions caused him to fall into paranoia. His ultimate desire is to break the curse of the sun and the moon before the werewolves can break it so that vampires will no longer be weakened by the sun and it is also possible that he was the one who organized the genocide against the werewolves. Theron learnt sometime before 1492 that he needed a doppleganger to break the curse and that he also needed to sacrifice a vampire and a werewolf as well as use a witch to undo the spell. He had Alyxandra Drake, the first doppleganger, kidnapped but she escaped and turned into a vampire to escape Theron's plans. Furious, Theron traveled to Alyxandra's home town where he killed her family as revenge. Over the centuries, Theron became more and more paranoid and recluse, trusting only the members of his inner circle.

EP name-
Character name-Sophie
Age-1 million years old
Sexual like-
History-Sophie was turned by Theron when she had been attacked and left for dead, he took her in and raised her like a daughter.She is in Theron's Inner circle.

EP name-
Character name-Ash Redfern
Sexual like-
History-Ash was turned by some unknown vampire, but he earned Theron's respect and the honer to be in his inner circle.

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