Page name: James & Gackt: OMG teh firstnesswesshnessbest [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-04-23 21:32:21
Last author: wolvie
Owner: wolvie
# of watchers: 2
Fans: 0
D20: 18
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James smiles and circles around Gackt when he stops then James quickly and sneakilly gets directtly behind Gackt then mounts him and growls softly.

Gackt jumps and looks behind him surprised, "Lo? What's he doing? Is he really going to.....

James smiles, "Lo" what're you doing james...get off of him...gah damnit this is so wrong...

Gackt smiles back and wags his tail quickly, "Whatcha doin?"

James shivers, feeling himself get aroused by Gackt's wagging tail, he blushes and dismounts quickly, turning back to his normal form and hoping Gackt didn't feel his excitment, "Nothing"

Gackt shifts back as well and smiles at James, "You like me"

James blushes furiously and looks down in embarressment but nods slightly.

Gackt smiles more, "I like you too"

James blushes more then looks at him and smiles back softly, "You do?"

Gackt nods, "Yea i do"

James smiles then shrugs, well...what the hell? he shifts back to his wolf form then pounces Gackt and grabs his leg, mounting it and humping it while smiling.

Gackt chuckles and shifts to his panther form rubbing against James slowly like a household cat purring.

James shivers then moans softly, getting very aroused by the purring and rubbing.

Gackt smiles and walks slowly underneath James.

James whimpers and can't help himself as he quickly grabs Gackt and mounts him

Gackt shivers and raises up submissively to James moving his tail for him.

James wags his own tail and gently licks at Gackt's back and neck as he starts humping, not entering Gackt just rubbing himself against him.

Gackt shivers and moans softly as he digs his nails into the dirt.

James grins down at Gackt then promptly dismounts and goes underneath him, looking at his cock and lowering his ears slighty, come on james your not gonna do this....are you? he shrugs then nuzzles Gackt's underbelly before gently licking his cock.

Gackt lightly raises his ears and tilts his head when James lower's his ears does he not want to do this i mean he do..... his thoughts get cut off as James starts licking his cock and he moans softly.

James smiles up at Gackt as he gets himself ready then gently takes Gackt's cock into his mouth, being very carefull with his teeth and sucking hungrilly while growling loudly with lust.

Gackt smiles back and then jumps moaning softly as he mounts James' head bucking his hips gently.

James smiles and uses his tongue to tease Gackt, still growling loudly and shivers a little, I can't believe I'm doing this...this is so wrong on so many levels...but feels so right...

Gackt whimpers in pleasure, "oh god james...oh fuck yea...oh da...." he moans loudly as he holds onto James' head tightly and climaxes.

James jumps a little, not expecting Gackt to climax so quickly, he has no choice but to swallow as fast as he can with Gackt holding his head. James smiles, clearly not minding being so submissive.

Gackt blushes quickly dismounting his tiny hips still bucking a little, "Im sorry..."

James chuckles and brushes his fur off, smiling at Gackt, "Don't be I kinda liked it"

Gackt smiles back, "Really?"

James nods and bucks his own hips slightly, "Now damnit get your ass over here and repay the favor"

Gackt nuzzles, "Gladly" he smiles taking a moment to mount James and hump him playfully and the dismounts nuzzling James' underbelly and starts gently licking his cock.

James nuzzles back then jumps and growls a little bit when Gackt mounts him then he shivers and moans softly as Gackt licks his cock.

Gackt smiles being mindful of his teeth as he takes James into his mouth sucking on him hungrily. note to self: he doesnt like being dominated thats a no

James smiles back then shivers and moans softly, gently mounting Gackt's head and bucking his hips lightly, "Oh god...oh fuck...Gackt..."

Gackt smiles and gently bob's head teasing James more.

James shivers more and digs his claws lightly into the ground, "Oh Gackt...oh fuck yea...I'm not gonna las..." he starts then holds onto Gackt's head tightly, his dew claws accidently digging into the sides of Gackt's face as he howls a little while climaxing.

Gackt jumps and whimpers a little when James' claws dig into his face but swallows anyway continuing to suck for a few minutes before pulling away.

James pants heavilly but looks at Gackt worriedly as he dismounts gently, "are you alright?"

Gackt nods, "Yea im ok"

James, "You jumped and whimpered, what was wrong?"

Gackt wipes his face off on his paws, "Its nothing I promise"

James frowns then figures it out and lowers his ears and tail, "I'm sorry Gackt" he says looking down in shame at having hurt his new lover

Gackt smiles and nuzzles, "Dont be it was enjoyable just a first for me ive never had that happen before then again ive never gotten frisky in my panther form either :D"

James smiles and nuzzles back then nods, "Me either this is all very new for me maybe you could take me to a vets and get the dew claws removed or something later"

Gackt shakes his head, "No i like the claws keep em"

James tilts his head a little, "You like em?" he asks as he gets up then quickly moves around and mounts Gackt.

Gackt shivers and raises submissively moving his tail again, "Im weird like that"

James shrugs a little, "Whatever floats your boat" he says as he starts humping Gackt, slowly and gently entering him while growling loudly.

Gackt moans softly laying his front end down digging his claws into the ground.

James growls loudly and bites the scruff of Gackt's neck as he keeps humping gently.

Gackt shivers more, "Oh god James....dammit go faster"

James' ears twitch slightly as he gently let's go of Gackt's neck and smiles, holding him tighter and humping harder and faster, "you got it loverman"

Gackt smiles back and moans softly.

James growls and whimpers in pleasure, accidently drooling on Gackt's shoulders abit as he humps.

Gackt raises up a bit more digging his claws deeper into the dirt.

James pants heavilly and growls more, "Oh god...Gackt...your tight..."

Gackt blushes, "You're my first..."

James slows down slightly in curriosity, "What about that Mark guy?"

Gackt frowns a little, "Ah he never touched me in this way...only the other way ya know what we did first..."

James shivers and whimpers softly in pleasure as he keeps humping, still drooling lightly on Gackt's shoulder, "He never did this to you? Why not?"

Gackt shrugs, "He wanted to take it slow we were going to then ya know he found out..."

James frowns and forces himself to slow down again, "I'm sorry Gackt..." he says and gently licks at the back of his ears, trying to offer some compaionship

Gackt shivers and smiles, "Its ok now dammit James why in the hell did you slow down?"

James smiles back, "Wanted to make sure you were alright" he says and picks up speed and force again.

Gackt moans softly, "I'll be fine as long as i have you"

James nods, "Me two" he says then growls and holds onto Gackt tighter, his dew claws digging into Gackt's sides as he raises his muzzle and howls loudly, climaxing deep inside of Gackt.

Gackt jumps a little when his claws dig into his sides but instead of whimpering this time and moans and tries to howl along with James but since he's a cat it comes out this weird growl.

James finishes and pants heavilly, laying on Gackt tiredly as one paw reaches down to Gackt's cock and starts stroking gently [clearly he's cool enough to be able to do this XD], "Just whatever you do don't pull away yet Gackt, I'm pretty sure that I knotted you"

Gackt shivers and bucks his hips, "You what me?" clearly this terminology confuses him XD

James chuckles as he keeps gently stroking Gack then explains what it means

Gackt nods and moans softly not really payin attention to James talk.

James chuckles and bites at the scruff of Gackt's neck again then gently humps, still inside of Gackt as he keeps stroking him.

Gackt shivers and moans more arching his back.

James shivers a little and keeps gently humping and strocking Gackt, "Good god you last a long time" he says and chuckles

Gackt chuckles and shivers as he climaxes and pants heavily

James smiles, "There ya go good boy" he says and nuzzles Gackt then gently dismounts him once his knot goes down, James smiles devilishly and turns to his human form, "You up for more fun or did mean ol James already wear you out?"

Gackt smiles back and then nuzzles back and shifts back as well his eyes running down James' body and his gaze lingering on his cock blushing, my he's big...bigger than mark...oh so much bigger he smiles, "I am definitely up for more fun" he pants softly and gently bites his lip.

James smiles back, his own eyes running over Gackt's smaller and more delicate body as he bites his lip hard to keep himself from just roughly claiming him right there, his eyes find there way to his cock and he smiles, pretty good...for such a small man...this ought to be fun

Gackt smiles back and looks up submissively at James.

James smiles more, "Don't give me that look"

Gackt smiles back, "Why not?"

James chuckles, "I can't resist it"

Gackt, "well in that case" he smiles and keeps looking up submissively at James.

James smiles back then pounces Gackt and starts kissing his way down the smaller man's body

Gackt smiles more and shivers moaning softly.

James smiles back at Gackt as he teases his cock with his tongue.

Gackt moans a bit louder, "Oh dammit James....oh fuck yea..oh dont tease me"

James chuckles then nods and takes Gackt into his mouth sucking hungrilly

Gackt moans bucking his hips lightly placing one hand on the back of James' head.

James smiles up at Gackt as he uses his tongue to tease him and bobs his head lightly.

Gackt smiles back and shivers more moaning, "Oh damn....oh fuck....oh god...." he blushes, "I....think" his words get cut off as he moans softly and climaxes panting lightly.

James jumps slightly at gackt's words but he smiles and swallows quickly, continuing to suck on gackt for a few more minutes before pulling away gently and smiling, "Well I think I love you two"

Gackt smiles back and blushes more hearing James say those words as he starts kissing down James' body gently grabbing his ass.

James blushes and smiles then jumps and moans as Gackt kisses his body and grabs his ass.

Gackt looks up and smiles back before teasing James' cock lightly.

James smiles more then moans and shivers, "Don't tease me damnit"

Gackt chuckles and takes James into his mouth sucking on him gently.

James moans loudly and gently puts his hands on the back of Gackt's head, bucking his hips gently

Gackt smiles and bobs his head lightly as he teases James more.

James shivers, "Oh god....oh fuck....gah....i love....yo..." he starts then cries out loudly in pleasure as he climaxes and pants

Gackt smiles and eagerly swallows continuing to suck on James for a few more minutes before gently pulling away then he gently grinds against his lover and smiles, "I love you too"

James blushes lightly and smiles back, shivering when Gackt grinds against him, "what're you doing?"

Gackt smiles gently rubs James' chest as he bites and kisses at his neck, "Seein how long you'll last before you take me again" he chuckles playfully.

James smiles back and shivers more, "Turn around"

Gackt nods and turns around for James.

James smiles and grabs Gackt's hips, griding against him roughly.

Gackt smiles and moans softly, "ah dammit more teasing dammit quit that"

James smiles back andd whispers in Gackt's ear, "How badlyy do you want this?"

Gackt shivers alot, "Dammit quit talking and fuck me"

James smiles more, "You got it babe" he says as he slides into Gackt.

Gackt smiles back and moans softly.

James shivers and starts bucking his hips slowly and gently while moaning.

Gackt shivers, "Fuck James.....dont hold back"

James smiles then nods and starts thrusting his hips faster and harder while moaning.

Gackt smiles back and pants softly biting his lip.

James grabs Gackt's cock in one hand and squeezes tightly as he starts stroking to match his thrusts

Gackt moans loudly grabbing the ground beneath hard slightly digging in his nails, damn....once he goes...fuck...he goes

James pants and moans in Gackt's ear, thrusting his hips a little faster and harder, "You alright...Gackt?" he manages to ask between pants oh god...this is amazing...i don't think i could stop if i had to...damn...he's so fucking tight

Gackt nods and moans, "Fucking amazing" he pants and turns to face James kissing him aggressively.

James smiles and kisses Gackt back aggressively as he continues to thrust and stroke.

Gackt smiles and keeps kissing sliding his tongue past James' lips.

James jumps slightly, not expecting that, then he smiles again and playfully bites Gackt's toungue.

Gackt smiles back and attempts to growl but only ends up doing a cute tiny growl.

James can't help but chuckle as he growls lustfully to show Gackt how it's done :D

Gackt sticks his tongue out and smiles.

James chuckles then shivers and moans loudly, thrusting his hips much harder and faster.

Gackt moans and pants heavily.

James bites his lip hard, "Oh god...oh Gackt...I'm not gonna last much longer..."

Gackt shivers and smiles, "i dont think i can either"

James smiles back and continues to make love to Gackt for a few more minutes before moaning loudly, letting go of the smaller man's cock as he grabs his hips with both hands, pulling him closer and digging his nails into his hips as he climaxes, crying out in pleasure

Gackt shivers and moans loudly as he climaxes as well and pants heavily.

James pants two and leans against Gackt heavily, "Damn"

Gackt smiles, "Yes James?"

James smiles back, gently pulling away and turning back to his wolf form as he curls up tightly, "That was amazing"

Gackt shifts back as well and stretches curling up to James, "Yes you were"

James yawns again then smiles, "You were two"

Gackt smiles back then falls asleep.

James nuzzles him lightly and falls asleep as well

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