Page name: I did my best! [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-05-24 21:24:46
Last author: Frankis
Owner: Frankis
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This is a random wiki of everything :D.

This wiki is rated PG13 for sexual content, language, and some teen partying.

Check out the rockin' earings:
This is me before homecoming 2007:
Me, just chillin' in bed:

My Dogs
This is Lady:

This is Gabi, I love her to death!!
This is her "Oh, shit!" face:
I was climbing a tree, she waited on the ground for me until I came down <3:

This is Rockey when he was just a puppy:
This is the most recent picture of Roceky (5/24/09):

This is Mali:
She is beautiful!!

Marshmellow party!!

This is me and my bestest friend EVER.
I'm cutting her hair.
I'm a lamp :D
She's been my best friend for so long, and we've always been there for each other and we always will be! She makes me laugh and never ditches me. She means so much to me whether she realizes it or not. 
I love you Mill!

This is [The Girl at the Rock Show] a.k.a. Rachel...
I spend about half my life with her.. lol
The half a face you see to the right is Alyssa, we call her Lys [Stella!]
I don't exactly remember why they were laughing so much, but it was probably something I said or did...
I like to make my friends laugh! :)
Alright, so the reason this picture is so funny is because I was on msn with my friend Rachel [The Girl at the Rock Show] and I was talking about me being mad and I was gonna type "ugh" and instead I typed "hugh" so then I was like "hahahahahahah lmao" and It made me laugh so much, so every time we're mad we blame it oh Hugh. It was really funny, you just had to be there. 
So Karon got into this whole thing because we always quote Dane Cook and he does "The Friend Nobody Likes" skit thing, and he says "Everyone has a friend, that NOBODY fuckin' likes; and her name is always Karon. Karon is always a big bag of douche."
So me and Rachel figured that since we blame everything on Hugh, and nobody likes Karon that Karon and Hugh are dating, and they'll always be together because they're the only two people who like each other!
It's really funny to us, but you just had to be there!

I love:
Dane Cook!
...He's fuckin' sexy!....
That 70's Show
Starbucks, talk about an orgasm in your mouth...
Some random guy was sleeping, we named him Jonathan Jones (long story) and we threw stuff at him...
...And laughed... It was hilarious!!

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