Emailing diary!
If you are exporting your diary, you can also send out emails with the diary note to people who aren't Elfpack members.
Just go to your house -> your diary, if needed press "Start exporting your diary". Then you have a link to "Add/remove email address" and there you can add people that want to have your diary in mails.
Note: Do not add people without asking them and make sure they understand that they have to ask you to get removed. If I get complaints about you sending emails, I will ban you instantly as I don't have time for people like that.
Date: 2005-01-10 16:38:52
News #: 20
Reporter: Hedda
Those who would go against
It has come to the crews’ attention that some members are ‘plotting and scheming' against the whole set up of EP and those that run it. The crew have put a lot into the community development of EP over the last few months and we hope to continue to do so; but recently a few members have been creating wiki's and sending messages to the wardens wasting their time, and proclaiming that EP is not good enough, and that it and it's crew should be changed.
We normally don’t mind about these opinions of Elfpack-inhabitants, as we know that anyone with a bit of sense would use the official forums to make suggestions for improvements.
We would just like to state that we are not against change, but we are against those that whine, interfere, and try to revolt against us and the rest of the community.
Running a community takes more time and effort than most people think. We are all just volunteers and therefore things can not always be perfect. We do our best to make it perfect though and as such, it's not cool to see Elfpack-members being very ungrateful for this.
Date: 2005-01-09 23:04:02
News #: 19
Reporter: Font
Tsunami help!
People are dying and need our help!
Due to this upsetting disaster, the world is coming together to give what they can to the people who NEED it!
Tsunami Help
Here the a wiki with a list of sites you can donate at!
Please if you can; give a bit to these people who need it!!
Date: 2005-01-08 21:48:47
News #: 18
Reporter: The Dark Lord
Tsunami help!
People are dying and need our help!
Due to this upsetting disaster, the world is coming together to give what they can to the people who NEED it!
Tsunami Help
Here the a wiki with a list of sites you can donate at!
Please if you can; give a bit to these people who need it!!
Missing: </b>Date: 2005-01-08 21:48:22
News #: 17
Reporter: The Dark Lord