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Bea Zegor (need a guide to life, tell me if you see one.)

Member #53937 created: 2009-04-12 23:09:53Simple URL:   

Name: Yngvild Beathe Olsen


Yay, a new picture..... Well.. gre sick of looking at the old one. hehe

I don't know where that yellow light's from though.. hehe


I had to put up something I made to so.. hehe but I will putt more images in the dess later...

Elfpack titles and orders
AdventurerCrazy kid

Index-pages in the wiki: (help)


If you have time, pliz wisit my index:
zegor's index

Ok... I've never been anny good at this stuff:p I useally fill it up with mindless stuff over time. But I will try my best.:)
And on befourhand I have to apoligize for my English. Trying to get better, but I'm not much to work with.:p

Call be Bea!^^

.:My life up tuill now:.

(Stuff ab me)

I've never realy figuerd myself out, so it's hard to dscribe. The word that I think others must relate to me the most must be "nice".
By my friends.. Maybee "wierd", "clumsy" and "childish"(in everyday life I am realy blank-minded:P).

What kind of words would I use on myself?
First that comes to mind is "unstable", then "fake" when I'm with others(This comes to most people exept a few).
And when I'm at my limit, I quickly turn into "evil".

All these words are my mirrors...

But I have a good behavior, I'm polite and always trying my best.^^

And now I don't know what more to write at the moment:p

Screenshots of my life

.:My intrest:.

I have to say that I'm a person with manny intrests, I easley amused (just like a little child:p) so I often scedual to manny intrest at time. hehe

First of all: Knowlegde, I love to lern, to know and to show that i know..:p bad habbit, I know:p

I love everything esthetic: art, arkitecture, music, designs... well.. yeah, everyithing that's beautifull to see, hear or tuch...
But myself I mostly draw manga and I like to write...

And then ofcourse I like manga and anime, I know allot of good mangas and pages, I'll have to put up something later.:)

Then comes electronic games, there my favs are the nitendo players, and The Zelda series. But otherwise i mostly play shooting games, rpg and mindgames(why I love Zelda cus it's partly a mind game, well, maybe not the seaworld ones.)

I'm also trying to lern Japanese at the moment, it's going slow tough. But I'm trying:p
Ichi, ni, san, shi, go, roku, shichi, hachi, kyu, ju
1-10 :D :p lol I know allitle more though, like asking for name or simular easy stuff....


.:My everything draw:.

.............................. ..........____
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................. ..,/, ....,-;’---‘----‘ ...... ..../.,_;|
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........................ ../, ........../\------~’’¯’; .
.................. .....,’’ ¯’’~--~’’’ .¯’---,,,,--‘’
........................ ‘’~-,,-~ Help stewie rule the world! copy and paste on your house. DAMN YOU ALL!

I love you, you evel genius!

----------FEBRUARY BABY --------------------
~Abstract thoughts.
~Loves reality and abstract.
~Intelligent and clever. *I like to think I am:p*
~Changing personality. *OMG so me... hehe.*
~Sexiest out of everyone.
~Temperamental. *My trade mark*
~Quiet, shy and humble.
~Honest and loyal.
~Determined to reach goals.
~Loves freedom.
~Rebellious when restricted.
~Loves aggressiveness.
~Too sensitive and easily hurt. *I'm a crybaby*
~Gets angry really easily but does not show it.
~Dislikes unnecessary things.
~Loves making friends but rarely shows it.
~Horny. *Hell Yea!
~Daring and stubborn.
~Realizing dreams and hopes.
~Loves entertainment and leisure.
~Romantic on the inside not outside.
~Superstitious and ludicrous.
~Tries to learn to show emotions.

Deamn... That was kinda sceary...
This is realy like me, but then again this is like fortunetellers, it applies more or less for everyone

Random Questions:
(x= yes, _= no)
(x) snuck out of the house?
(_) gotten lost in your city?
(x) saw a shooting star?
(_) been to any other countries besides Canada?(never been there eather tough)
(_) had a serious surgery?
(_) gone out in public in your pajamas?
(_) kissed a stranger?
(x) hugged a stranger?
(_) been arrested?
(x) laughed and had milk/coke come out of your nose?
(_) pushed all the buttons on an elevator?
(_) jumped up and down in the elevator to get stuck?
(_) swore at your parents?
(x) been in love?
(x) been close to love?
(_) been to a casino?
(_) been skydiving?
(_) broken a bone?
(x) been high?
(x) been drunk?
(x) skipped school?
(_) flashed someone?
(x) gotten in a fist fight?
(_) been suspended?
(_) had anger management?
(_) done the splits?
(x) played spin the bottle?
(x) gotten stitches?
(x) drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour?
(x) bitten someone?
(x) made someone bleed?
(_) been to Niagara Falls?
(x) gotten the chicken pox?
(x) kissed a member of the opposite sex?
(x) kissed a member of the same sex
(x) crashed into someones car?(with a bike:p)
(_) been to Japan?:'(
(x) ridden in a taxi?
(x) Been dumped?
(x) had a crush on someone of the same sex?
(x) had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?
(_) gone on a blind date?
(x) lied to a friend?
(x) had a crush on a teacher?
(_) celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans?
(x) been to Europe?(kinda live there)
(_) slept with a co-worker?
(_) been to Africa?
(?) Driven over 400 miles in one day? I don't know... I've driven allot...
(_) Been to Canada?
(_) Been to Mexico?
(_) Been on a plane?
(_) Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show?
(_) Thrown up in a bar?
(_) Purposely set a part of yourself on fire?
(_) Eaten Sushi?
(x) Been skiing/snowboarding?
(x) Met someone in person from the internet?
(_) Cheated on a test?
(_) lost a child?
(_) done hard drugs?
(x) tried killing yourself?
(x) fired a gun?
(x) purposely hurt yourself?
(x) taken painkillers?
(x) seen someone?
(x) had a friend die?
(x) love someone or miss someone right now

hmmm... tought it wuld be ok to have one of these here... but after filling it out I feel kida boring:s. (more than befour:p)



I've seen to manny losing their lifes to that kind of shit.

I am a smoker (by that I mean weed) myself, and I know it's bad for my psychics, but It's at least better then all the other stuff. And I can proudly say that in these past year's the only other thing I've tuched is salvia(once, it's sick and just disturbing. It's a short-time halusinagen).

Hmm.... I'll write some more later^^

And my fav quote.

   Science can take you from A to B.
      But imagination can take you annywhere!

    .:*Albert Einstein*:.

Age: 20Year of birth: 1989Month of birth: 2Day of birth: 20

Gender: female

What do you do?: Being lazy

Place of living: Norway

Known languages

Elfpack crew wannabe: Yes

folk musichip hoppop

Other interests

Civil status: live together with partner

Sexual preference: both sexes

Body shape: normal

Height: 164

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