You can pick more than one..
1= I like you
2= I love you
3= You're funny
4= You're cool
5= I don't really care for your personality
6= I wanna be on you!
7= You're sexy
8= You have a nice body
9= I hate you
10= You're boring
11= your gay and your just a waist of air
12= You have an awesome personality
13= I want to kiss every part of your body
14= I wanna do you 'til you scream my name
15= I want to go out with you
16= I'm looking for a relationship with you
17= be wit me
18= you're cute
19= i dont know you?
20= i want you in my life
*Name: joey
*Nickname: baby roo(long story dont ask!)
*Birthdate: 07/22/87
*Birthplace: antigo, wisconsin
*Hair color: dark brown
*Height: 5'10"
*Righty or lefty: righty tighty
*Your heritage: polish nazi
*The shoes you wore today: mine
*Your weakness: gettin kicked in the balls
*Your fears: you dont scare me!
*Your perfect pizza: peckeroni
*Goal you'd like to achieve: keep my girl forever...
*Your most overused phrase: wat the shit
*Your thoughts first waking up: why am i still alive???
*Your best physical feature: eyes...
*Your bedtime: sleep...who needs it???
*Your most missed memory: doin stupid shit wit my friends
*Soda: jack n coke
*Fast food joint: quizno's
*Single or group dates: or...i like both
*Adidas or Nike: ADIDAS (All Day I Dream About Sex)
*Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
*Cappuccino or coffee: cappuccino
*Smoke: yeah
*Sing: yeah...sometimes
*Take a shower every day: yeah
*Have a crush(es): i got who i want
*Do you think you've been in love: yeah...
*Want to go to college: fuck no
*Like school: hell no
*Want to get married: duh...
*Believe in yourself: you serious???
*Get motion sickness: no
*Think you're attractive: fuck dead sexy!
*Think you're a health freak: no
*Get along with your parents: most of the time
*Like thunderstorms: yeah
*Play an instrument: no
In the past month...
*Drank alcohol: no
*Smoked: yeah
*Done a drug: no
*Had sex: many times over
*Made out: many times over
*Gone on a date: yeah
*Gone to the mall: no
*Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no
*Eaten sushi: ewww...
*Been on stage: no
*Gone skating: no
*Made homemade cookies: no
*Gone skinny-dipping: not recently
*Dyed your hair: no
*Stolen anything: no
*Played a game that required removal of clothing: yeah
*Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yeah
*Been caught doing something: no
*Been called a tease: no
*Gotten beaten up: no
*Shoplifted: no
*Changed who you were to fit in: dont need to
*Age you hope to be married: old enough
*Numbers and names of children: 2
*Describe your dream wedding: outdoor
*How do you want to die: fast
*Where do you want to go to college: no where
*What do you want to be when you grow up: i am grown up bitch!
*What country would you most like to visit: amsterdam
In the preferred sex...
*Best eye color: blue
*Best hair color: blonde
*Short or long hair: long enough
*Best height: shorter than me
*Best weight: in shape
*Best articles of clothing: wearing clothes is against my
*Best first date location: ill surprise her
*Best first kiss location: under the stars
*Number of drugs taken illegally: too many
*Number of people I could trust with my life: not many
*Number of CDs that I own: not enough
*Number of piercings: 11
*Number of tattoos: 7
*Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: at least once or twice
*Number of scars on my body: one too many
*Number of things in my past that I regret: too much
A - Age: 19
B - Best Quality: i can fly
C - Choice Of Meat: chicken
D - Dream Date: i got her already
E - Ex: fuck them
F - Favorite Food: everything
G - Greatest Accomplishment: idk
H - Happiest Day of Your Life: me...happy, yeah right!
I - IQ: idk
J - Job title: don't care
K - Kt: ???
L - Love: ???
M - Most Valued Thing I Own: kasi
N - Name: joey
O - Outfit You Love: hot topic pants and my icp shirt
P – Pissed: most of the time
Q - Question you want to ask: wat the shit?
R - Red is what: fire, love, hell
S - Sport To Watch: no sports
T - Television Show: southpark, futurama
U - Unique habit: being
V - Very bad habit: bein an ass and smoking
W - Winter: snow, fun, 4 wheeler
X - X-rays you've had: too many to remember
Y - Year Born: 1987
Z - Zodiac Sign: cancer
001: Name: joey
002: Nickname: baby roo
003: Country of living: united states
004: Birthdate: 07/22/1987
005: Height: 5'10"
006: Eye color: hazel
007: Shoesize: 12
008: School/work: none of your damn business
009: You smoke: yeah
010: Hobby's: hunting, fishing, spending time wit my fam/girlfriend, whatever else i feel like doin
011: Brothers/Sisters: 3 sisters
012: Relationship: yes
013: Piercing(s): yes...11
014: Tattoo(s): yes...7
015: Vacationland: north carolina
016: Are there people you wont reply to?: yes
017: Nicest person you met this year: idk
018: Person you rather not have met this year: idk
019: Who would you like to meet: too many
020: Who is it that you admire: too many
021: Most sexy person(s): kasi
022: Favorite Pajama(clothes to sleep in): my birthday suit
023: Favorite Car: lamborghini
024: Favorite Movie(s): ones that you can watch
025: Favorite Music: icp
026: Favorite City(s): not sure
027: Favorite Plush (teddybear and so....): all of mine
028: Favorite Perfume/au de toilette/aftershave: curve, candies, adidas
029: Favorite Magazine: playboy
030: Favorite sound: music
031: Favorite TV-series: southpark, futurama...
032: Favorite Writer: not much of a reader
033: Favorite Nickname: baby roo
034: What is on your mousepad: spongebob
035: What all is under your bed: nothing
036: Favorite color: green
037: Favorite Song ever: sleepwalkers by icp
038: Favorite song at this moment: cry for you
039: Favorite food: dont have one
040: Favorite class at school: not in school
041: Favorite drink:
Non alcoholic: pepsi...
Alcoholic: jack daniels
042: Lucky number: 666
043: What do you think that is greatest about yourself:
Externally: eyes
Internally: not sure
044: What deodorant do you use: axe
045: Favorite shoes: mine
046: What time do you go to bed on workdays: whenever i want
047: What word do you use most: wat the shit
048: Most romantic moment in your life: valentines lately
049: Most ashamed moment of your life: ummm...
050: You spend your time rather inside or outside: preferably outside
051: What do you do in the weekends: whatever i feel like
052: What class on school do/did you dislike most: all except lunch...
053: Your Breakfast: dont really eat breakfast...
054: What do you really really dislike to eat: black olives and onions
055: Pets: 2 dogs...spooky and pepper and 1 fish...marvin
056: Laugh or dream: dream
057: Serious or funny: both
058: Fast or slow: fast
059: You prefer being alone or have a relationship: depends
060: Simple or Complicated: simple...whats that???
061: Cremate or Buried when dead: ill figure that out when the time is near
062: Sex or alcohol: alcohol then sex...
063: Stay up late or go to bed early: stay up late
064: Light of dark?: dark
065: Speak or Silence: silence
066: Tall or Small Man: tall
067: News paper: who cares
068: Hug or kiss: both...
069: Happy or Sad: happy...whats that???
070: Life or Death: depends on my mood
071: Gig or Disco: neither
072: Left or Right: right
073: Sausages on top, or on the side: side
074: Dark/ Red/ Blonde: dark
075: What would you ask god if you could ask him 1 single question: fuck god
076: Do you believe in reincarnation: sometimes
077: Do you believe in Aliens: yes they got!!!
078: When you die, what will be your last words?: how the fuck am i supposed to know???
079: Does true love exist?: yeah...and it sucks
080: How many kids would you like to have?: 2
081: What is the thing you cant stand: too much
082: Best feeling: too many
083: Worst feeling in the world: too many
084: What are you afraid of: losing ppl i care about most
085: Are you an emotional person: sometimes
086: You cry while watching a movie?: no
087: Your goal in life: dont really have one
088: What was the promise you made to yourself at new years eve: quit smoking
089: Who is your favorite artist?: icp
090: As what animal would you like to reincarnate: dragon
091: What is the most beautiful part on the male body: ummm...mine
092: Most original place to ask your love to marry you: it all depends
093: What do you think of elftown?: cool
094: Is there something you miss about elftown?: everything
095: Where did you get this question list?: i stole it
096: Besides elftown, what do you do most on your PC: whtever i want
097: Is there a question you missed in this all?: nope
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