I'm Tom. Im 17 years old, and go to high school. I guess im a pretty easy going person, and ill make friends with anyone i meet.
I Like:
<Music above everything else, any problem you have, and discrepency with your life, you can always resort to music. It can be your best friend and your enemy at the same time, and thats why its such a great way to express yourself with it.
Friends: My friends are pretty much all i have. Dave, Louie, Brian, Lacee, Kelli, Whitney 1 and 2. Not that many but theyre the best friends that i have.
Guitars: Guitars are probably the greatest instruments ever, theres so much stuff you can do with them, and im sure i have not even seen it all, you cant make a trombone play faster by messing around with how close parts are ...but you sure as hell can with a guitar, theres a whole science behind guitars, how they work, and how you can make any guitar better than it was.
I dunno why, but all forms of art are just appealing to me, Poetry, Pictures, Writing, Music....its just soo cool.
uters are pretty fun, i have to admit.
People in general:If youre human, ill probably like you, unless theres some reason that i dont like you already, im not gonna be a prick to you if you say say hi!
I Dislike
Boy Bands: People who write every song with the same notes and different rythms, and all they ever write about "not making you cry" and "breaking up the hard way" and "fighting to get a skank" are just fucking dumb.
Pricks in General:If you think that youre hot shit, and nobody can "touch this"....your dumb....get a life.....get a job.....and get smacked....
Thats My Car
My Emo not emo tho...emo people are gayer than the NSYNC
Me, Lacee, Dave..snowcoming 07
One of my favorite band.
I look like i just got kicked in the