So, for starters, my name is Travis. I dont really feel like telling you my last name unless i trust you, and thats not easy for me to do XD. If you dont believe that my pictures are me (Even though they are from my nexopia account, barleymodin) you can request to add me on msn and ill show you that its me lol. I currently play in a powermetal style (children of bodom/sonata arctica etc.) band called Nithogr. I currently am the lead vocalist, but i do some occasional lead solos as well. My passion in life is my guitar, even though its a complete piece of shit i still love it. I am currently saving up for the new ESP Alexi Laiho white-with-blackpinstripe guitar. I write music and lyrics, i love romance XD, comedy, horror, and action movies. I am truly a hopeless romantic, and i love it that way. I have a nasty habit of ending up with people who rip my heart open, but im used to it now so meh, lol. If you have read this all, message me and tell me what you think of me ^_^ i love to meet new people, and if any of you know phelxion on nexopia, thats my buddy steve. lol, hope to hear from you. Also, i love to be sarcastic and make people laugh, so if anything is offensive on my page, chances are i did that on purpose XD sometimes i crack myself up