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i'm to hot for this (lizzy2009)

Member #42604 created: 2006-06-16 19:22:16Simple URL:   

Name: liz goodrich


this is my good friend


I ustil love him. But now I love him I miss him so much. Me & my ex-boyfriend

Elfpack titles and orders
BeggarCrazy kid

  Rose are red Violet are blue i'm going to kill my self
Violet are blue Viola are purple I want to die and Viola are Purple
    I want to hurt my self and there word rhyme.

   Violet are blue viola are purple I do not like snow
Violet are blue viola are purple I do not like winner
Violet are blue viola are purple I hate staying inside of my house
   I love going outside in the summer sometimes.

  The sky is blue and you are beautiful it's cold outside and you are cute
The grass is green and you are great Your eyes are blue and you are nice
  Your smile is wonderful and you smart when your hand is hard my hand
is smooth.

   My hart hurts i want to in cry in the rain because my rose broke
and now i hope me Violet that is blue and i hope my it dosen't
brake on your going to get hurt by me when it dose brake on you.
  I know that someone love's you with all thear hart when he is not with you he
cry's in the night he will alway's love every year that he will be with you.
  Care about you at that night he is in your dreams all the time I hope
some day he will take you to a speshole place then kiss you when you are
at a speshole place in the hole world to.

    My rose are red my vilets are blue you are sweet to kill
Rose's are red violets are so blue your in my hand ready to kill
   Roses are red my voilets are so blue untill you are gone
these roses are pink and my violet are red you are are really kill
so stay where you are here are some roses for you to hold hole then
  tight don't let thenm go you are so dead so hold them tight
and neaver let them go because my roses are red and my violets are so
  blue neaver let them turn pink for let them go.

 My life is so coufusing I can't believe i'm here I put up with all the
bruising as i wipe away my tears. I walk throught that door I try to run
   away they through me on the floor now I don't have to stay.
my death is so coufusing now i don't know why I died I guess I'll never
   know how but at least I don't have to hide.

  Smiling is infectious: you catch it like that flu, when someone smiled
at me today,I started smiling too I passed around that corner and
  Someone saw my grin when he smiling I realized I'd passed it on the him.
I thought about that smile then i realized it's worth, a single smile, just like
  Mine could travel round the earth so, if you feel a smile begin, don't
leave it undetected let's start and eqidmic quick, and the world infected!
  Keep the smile going by sending this on to afriend. Everyone needs
a smile!!!

 We are throught alot, but we still make it.
We are friends always, forever,and for life.
Timing passes you by like no 2omorrow.

Time has to be berfect.
Life can be forever instill death.
Save all momcrise even good and bad.
We will all be together forever and always.
Today is 2omorrow.
Weeks and months and moths are years.
Life might equal death in a the end.
That won't stop us we will always be together.
We always will be friends and lovers.
Life is a beutiful thing don't waste H.
Evething is amazing even life.
Just reamber we have each other.
We will stick together alwaysand foever.

To All my freind that have somebody to love and for
always be there for me thank you so much form the
bottom of my heart.

Age: 15Year of birth: 1990Month of birth: 12Day of birth: 21

Gender: female

What do you do?: Being lazy

Place of living: USA-Michigan

Exact place of living: In my home

Known languages

Home-page URL:

Elfpack crew wannabe: No

countryhip hoppop

Other interests
card gamescarscats
watching sportwriting

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: thin

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