Names REMINGTON I like to DRINK listen to music. Im into women, vampires, runes, mythology, videogames, alchohal, beerbongs, MUSIC, KNIVES, SWORDS and putting/taking things apart. my AIM is HELLISHDREAMER for all u fuknuts that cant get ahold of me. Reincarnation is real as hell if u die u wil come back just with no memories. I hate over religious people. There so fukkin annoying. y would someone spend there whole life worshipping and acting in a way that would please a god which they dont even no if it is real just to get into a place which they also dont no if it real or not. Its just a FUKKING waste of ur life. People should live there life how htey want to not how they think some false god wants them to. And for all u druggies who do it becopuse ur bored i FUKKIN despise u.
My favorite bands are Vader, Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth, Graveworm, Fleshcrawl, and Sixfeetunder, 3 inches of blood, amon amarth, 12 tribes, borknagar, god dethroned, propane, chimaira, devil driver, kreator, opeth, otep, arch enemy, napalm death, black label sociedy, god forbid, Amophis, bane, cannibal corpse, stravarias, catastrophic, children of a bodom, hypocrisy, crest of darkness, eternal tears of sorrow, gorgoroth, ledzepplin, inflames, judhist priest, malevolent creation, white zombie, morbid angel, nightwish, therion, agnostic front, creamatory, edguy, destruction, meshuggah, hammerfall, manowar, immortal, mnemic, susperia, helloween, soilwork, ozzi ozzbourne, at the gates, behemoth, bleeding through, the crown, dark tranquility, danzig, deicide, kitte, system of a down, static-x, dissection, emperor, exodus, fear factory, the haunted, iron maiden, the kovenent, lacuna coil, lamb of god, motorhead, shadowsfall. flogging molly, spaero, mushroomhead, mastadon, mantis, orphanage, massemord, vellonic sin, cult of daath, infinity, shinning, spirit caravan, chaos omen, impaled, samael, firewind, diabolic, hate, katastrophofialue goddles north, mudvayne, sublime, nile, extol, sentenced, my ruin, lickgoldensky, sosdom, septic flesh, nasum, nebula, v/a, yakuza, cenotaph, cult of luna, lost soul, nora, tomohawk, voivod, pallas, overkill, godflesh, aesma daeva, eyes of fire, avantasia, black majesty, king diamond, sinai beach, ulver, waco jesus, witchmaster, lucifugum, clandestine blaze, mystic forest, noctuary, infernal legion, evilheart, burzum, deathstars, eikenskaden, clandestine blaze, uvall, gromm, blood thorn, aes dana, london after midnight, han zimmer, azure,
My favorite movies are Boondock Saints, Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust, Fast times Ridgemont High, Gladiator, Kiss of the Dragon, Underworld, Biohunter, War of the Worlds, The Craft, Stargate, Spawn, J &; b strikes back, Abbot &; Costello meets Frankeinstein, Dog Soldiers, Raziphon, Fist of the North Star, WeddingCrashers, Alien, Predator, Reign of Fire. Escape from L.A, Payback, Sierra, Dogsoldiers, Unleashed, Jarhead, Ong-Bak the thai warrior. AVP, nightmare before christmas, braveheart, Kungfu Hustle, stoned age, streetfighters, blade 1, 2 and 3. Class act, howhigh, Godzilla, the missing, the hunted, solo, Rambo 1, 2, and 3, 13th warrior, a far off place, Saint, the mexician, Mr and Ms smith. Crouching tiger hidden dragon, Hero, Dune, The girl next door, Eurotrip,
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