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..:*:..:$wee+ Emo+ion$:..:*:..

Member #17081 created: 2005-05-09 20:12:52Simple URL:   

Name: ♥§hℓ3ÿ


u /see\ me wIndIn **n** /grIndIn\,,up on that POLE__



Elfpack titles and orders
Crazy kid


Sklobk killa Till Da Day I Take one To Da Dome. until Da Day im Parted From My love. Till Da Last Day i Rep My Set PBGC

[R.I.P**Brian Kent Smith♥♥89-06♥♥June 27**we love you n miss you bunches.**kiss kiss]
♥If tears could build a stairway
and memories were a lane
I would walk right up to heaven
And bring you home again
No farewell words were spoken
No time to say goodbye
You were gone before I knew it
And only God knows why
My heart still aches in sadness
And secret tears still flow
What it meant to lose you
No one will ever know
You never said im leaving
You never said goodbye
A million times ill need you
A million times ill cry
If love alone could have saved you
You never would have died
In life i loved you dearly
In death i love you still
In my heart a place you hold
that no one could ever fill
It broke my heart to lose you
But you didnt go alone
A part of me went with you
The day God took you home.








.-.AshEs tA aShEs.-.
.-.DuSt tA dUsT.-.
.-.-iN CrIps wÉ tRusT..n sLoBs wE BUST.-.-
-.-CrIps gO 2 HeaVeN .CuZ thA sKys BlUe.-.
..-.buT BlooDs gO 2 HeLl cUz..ThEy AinT TRuE..-.


[Let It Rain
Let It Flood
Let A Crip Kill A blood
Let It Rain
Let It Drip
Kill A blood Cuz I Claim Crip
Let It Rain
Let It Thunder
Bury A blood 6 Feet Under
In Crips We Trust
In Bloods We Bust!
Kill A blood Win A Prize
Kill A Crip Yah Whole Family Dies!!!!!!!

[♥ * ♥ * ♥ * ♥ * ♥ * ♥ * ♥ * ♥ * ♥ * ♥ * ♥ *]
o. Rock or rap: *rap
o. Pop or rap: *rap
o. Rap or R&B: *rap
o. Rock or metal: *rock
o. Linkin Park or Limp Bizkit : *Linkin park
o. ICP or Eminem: *ICP
o. Marilyn Manson or Rob Zombie: *neither
o. Kittie or Garbage: *i dunno
o. MTV or VH1: *i watch vh1 more
o. Buffy or Angel: *i dunno
o. Dawsons Creek Or Gilmore Girls: *Gilmore Girls
o. Football or basketball: *football
o. Summer olympics or winter Olympics: *summer
o. Skiing or snowboarding: *snowboarding
o. Rollerblading or skateboarding: *dunno

o. Boyfriend/girlfriend: *yup
o. Crush: *i guess
o. Do you love anyone right now: *yes, alot of people
o. Have you ever been in love: *yes
o. Ever had sex: *dont worry bout it
o. How many hearts have you broken: *none i hope
o. How many people broke your heart: *1
o. Do you go more by looks or personality: *personality
o. Do you smoke: *yup
o. How about weed: *not no more
o. How about a little ecstasy: *never
o. Crack, heroin, anything else: *never

o. Bungee jump: *maybe
o. Skydive: *probably not
o. Swim with dolphins: *acourse
o. Scuba dive: *y not
o. Go rock climbing: *yup
o. Change your religion: *not a religious person
o. Turn your back on your friends for personal gain?: *never
o. Steal a friend's boyfriend/girlfriend: *ha. no
o. Lie to the police: *duh
o. Run from the police: *acourse, if i get think i can get away
o. Speed away from the police: *probably not
o. Walk up to a total stranger and kiss them: *eww, no, who knos wut they may have.
o. Be an exotic dancer: *sure
o. Walk out of a restaurant without paying: *any day
o. Streak: *i guess

o. You ate: *hunni bun
o. you drank: *sprite
o. The last place you went: *skool
o. Last thing you bought: *lunch
o. Last person you saw at school: *Chad
o. Last person you talked to on the phone: *Damaris
o. What you talked about: *homecoming dress
o. Last song you heard: *under the sea off lil mermaid
[♥ * ♥ * ♥ * ♥ * ♥ * ♥ * ♥ * ♥ * ♥ * ♥ * ♥]

Age: 16Year of birth: 1991Month of birth: 1Day of birth: 24

Gender: female

What do you do?: Something in between

Place of living: USA-Missouri

Exact place of living: StL

Known languages

Home-page URL: ♥I♥

Weblog URL: L♥Ve

Favorite URL: ♥aShLeY G♥

Elfpack crew wannabe: No

hip hoppoprap

Other interests
beerchasing the preferred sexdrinks

Civil status: involved

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: normal

Height: 157

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