lol after all the years of saying I AM A GOD!! i am one now i joined a group called gods of elfpack and have become the god of the night.
is it me or are all the girls that arn't sluts ether men haters or have BFs?? soo unfair... :_(
well to day wasn't a very good start. when i disided to start looking for a artist to work with i thought i'd at lest find people so far i've found two, one, im not sure i should/can trust and the other will most likely say no and think im just trying to hit on her, ok true i love females, but i sware i only want to work with her.. not that she dosnt seem cool a bit odd but hell when have i called that a bad thing? ha maybe tomarrow will prove better ... or maybe a pack of catgirls will come to my house... nether seem likely...