[Tis gone but never gone]'s diary

125950  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-10-30
Written: (5454 days ago)

Hey guys

I caught my mother's flu, so I feel like crap v.v
So now I can't go to my friends halloween party, which sucks v.v
But the good news is I get to be online ^^
So I thought all my friends should know this ^^

Love you all

Michelle ^^

125838  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-10-24
Written: (5461 days ago)

Hey guys!

I'm feel a bit better coz Nina has stopped calling me every hour on the hour. Let's just say she got a little word off some of my male friends (Do not worry she was not hurt). Anyway my daddy is home,I haven't seen him in a month! So am sooooo happy to see him XD.

I can't wait for halloween coz I'm going to a party in Duns! I'm dressing up as a gothic vampire fairy! Don't worry people am going to make a wiki for the pic's.

right well i've got nothing more to say on my life.....so until next time.

love ya all xxxxxxxxxxx

125812  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-10-21
Written: (5464 days ago)

Hey guys

OK, I did have a gf called Nina but I dumped her. And I know your thinking 'why?'. Well she hates my family and my family hates her.....so I had to end it with her coz I love my family more than her.
I know that sounds cold and bitchy...hey so call me a cold haerted bitch..like I care.

125792  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-10-18
Written: (5466 days ago)

To all my friend

I'll still be on elfpack when am watching harper's island but I maybe a bit slow. Sorry.

love michelle xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

125723  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-10-13
Written: (5472 days ago)

hey guys

big new to all my friends,when ur online please, pretty please read my story, it's called The McNeal Pack: CLub Midnight. the link is on my mood or on my profile. And Please tell me what you think, if u hate it or love it, just tell me.

Thanks love ya all ^vv^ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

125639  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-10-06
Written: (5478 days ago)

hey guys am back baby!!!
right well first rach and the girls where all sick, they all had the flu!!!
so me and steph and rach went out to the pubs and i got so drunk i was saying " i hate u all!!" which is funny coz i love them. i was sick like 5 or 6 time!! i fell alot. i have some cuts but i can't remember where i got them. but luck me i never got a hangover!!! it was a great night all in all ^^

125578  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-10-01
Written: (5483 days ago)

hey guys

am going to Duns for 3 days. am just going to Duns coz it my best friend's b-day tommorrow and she's going to be 20yrs old. s we r going to have a bottle of wine and then lots more to drink!!!!

i'll tell ya all about it, when i get back.

if anyone has any info on [Neurotic Obsession] coz he has been on elfpack in like 44 days, and i am worried about him!.....so if u have any info, plz tell me, thanks.


125357  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-09-12
Written: (5502 days ago)
Next in thread: 125400

i got a hair cut dyed today and i must say i look fab!! but i got hair dye on ma ears and the back of ma neck and their r BLUE!!! joy!
just finshed ma temporary work at Floors Castle so i'll get paid on tuesday!!!!!!!!!!! MONEY !! yay !

am staying up to wait for m brother Jamie coz he is out drinking with friends and if he is drunk i have to look after him coz mum needs sleep.

oh well....i tell u if he is drunk or not....love ya all xxxxxxxxxx

125321  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-09-10
Written: (5505 days ago)

hey guys sorry i haven't kept u updated with Roman and me but i've been busy. anyway Roman and i r not dating anymore coz i guess i still getting over Rob and wot he did to me. But Roman was such a sweetheart to back off for bit.

So the job hurt is going good, i have 6 job reforms to fill out and hand them in,so wish my luck that i get one of them.

Now for the bad part of my life is Skylar. Good god that girl is BACK IN HOSPITAL AGAIN!!! ( now really don't ask ) and am worring so much that i think am going to scream!

right that is it i really new a smoke.

later guys xx

124774  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-08-22
Written: (5523 days ago)

i have my date with Roman tonight, am so happy. so wish me luck^^

124663  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-08-18
Written: (5527 days ago)

Well, my cousin Josette, Belle's sister, gave birth to a beautful little baby girl. Her name is Poppy Lynn. she has green eyes and blonde hair and a little birth mark on her tummy.

124601  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-08-15
Written: (5530 days ago)

OK..big new Josette ma cousin well she when into labor like 24 hours ago and the baby has poped out to her!!! she was screaming men to hell and back, it was a bit funny, though. But the bad thing was i had the drop my date with Roman, he was fine with it , which was really good , coz i didn't want him mad at me , so we have change our date to this saturday!...am so happy i could scream. ^^ i'll tell u all when the kids is born.

124432  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-08-08
Written: (5537 days ago)

Okay, life is not getting any better, first- i find my ex (Rob) in bed with another woman(Cara).
second- am not getting married anymore ( which sucks)
thrid- am living back with my parents! ( so uncool)
fourth- my cousin Skylar has just gone into hospital. ( just don't ask about that)

right am not going to say anymore coz am boring u all with this. right am having a smoke.

124408  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-08-07
Written: (5538 days ago)

ok, things r getting better, slowly. my friends r taking me out to the pubs, so it should be fun or not. but wish me luck :)

124407  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-08-07
Written: (5538 days ago)

ok, things r getting better, slowly. my friends r taking me out to the pubs, so it should be fun or not. but wish me luck :)

124298  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-08-01
Written: (5544 days ago)

Ok, I am in hell, big style!! You all know bf,Rob, the guy i was meant to be marrying. Well that is so not happening because i found him having sex with is ex gf ,Cara!! well that was as about 5 or 6 days ago. so am now living at my parents house, joy, not!
So now am single, living with my parents, still a student and i don't have a job. My life is just so great i don't know if i want to cry or laugh???

Oh..one more thing ALL MEN ( apart from some who are my frineds) fucking evil and you can't trust any of them!!
Like my mother always says : Don't let anyone one get to close to your heart because they can break it, and it will hurt like a bitch.

124221  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-07-28
Written: (5548 days ago)

Hey guys!

am back...kinda, my internet is playing up, so am having a hard time getting on elfpack, msn, yahoo etc. but i'll do ma best to try and stay on.

Had a fab time at rach's and seeing ma godchildren! got a bit drunk but thats ok=)

124021  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-07-21
Written: (5555 days ago)

so don't want to do ma uni stuff. i have know idea wot to do! but i guess i have to e-mail ma prof, to find out wot i need to do. god ma life is all work, party etc lol.

oh, i won't been online for about two or three days coz am going to see ma best friend and her kids (ma godchildren. so i'll see ya all soon but not to soon i hope lol.

123947  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-07-20
Written: (5556 days ago)

I've had such a fab weekend!!! got so pissed (drunk) on friday night and ma friend she OKed so many times lol. we did lots of shots and i got a some guys buying me drinks it was so much fun^^ but i had a big hangover on saturday, which was so not fun. so on saturday we all when out again and i did drink at the pub but i did drink at ma friends flat and got a bit drunk lol. and i did get to bed untill 5am !! but am NEVER DRINKING AGAIN!!!!!!!!

123766  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-07-15
Written: (5562 days ago)

My cousin Belle has given birth to a baby boy Lucern and he is so cute and he has his father,Jean-Cladue's hair colour which blond. i love everything to do with Lucern but i hate his middle name, which is Etienne.
So is full name would be Lucern Etienne Victor Walker.

122748  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-06-02
Written: (5604 days ago)

just finshed ma write up. god it was so easy, i just wrote a hole lot of bullshit.....but oh well....am not going back to that hell hole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just one more exam to do then am free and a vampire bat =)

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