Page name: Elfpack Awards [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-06-12 13:19:16
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Owner: Ringbearer
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The Elfpack Awards are a quarterly (meaning happens four times a year) "event", where members can nominate one another as the "best" in various awards. At the end of the nomination period, members then vote on a public poll to decide who the top three people are in each placing, sometimes there maybe more then three if there is a tie.


Make sure to read the EPA Rules before taking part in the Awards!

Cutest Elfpacker Award

The cutest guys and girls of Elfpack.

Cutest Pet Award

Too much d'awwwwwwww.

Cutest Couple Award

Either one or both of the couple can be EP members to enter this award.

Best Friend Award

Show your friend how much you appreciate them with a nomination.

Best Wiki Award

Fun, interesting, and good-quality wikis made by members.

Most Creative Award

This includes art, writing, and EP house designing!


Have a suggestion for a new contest?
Leave it in the comment box at the Elfpack Awards Crew will discuss the idea!


Award Contest Dates

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Quarter 1
Nomination Period - March 1st through May 1st
Voting Period - May 2nd through May 29th

Quarter 2
Nomination Period - June 1st through August 1st
Voting Period - August 2nd through August 29th

Quarter 3
Nomination Period - September 1st through November 1st
Voting Period - November 2nd through November 29th

Quarter 4
Nomination Period - December 1st through February 1st
Voting Period - February 2nd through February 29th


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2004-12-01 [Anvikit]: Sunrose<img:stuff/sun2.gif> Hehe.. she has kitty ears :P

2004-12-02 [Solitiaum]: awwwwwwwwish!!

2004-12-09 [cant_get_out]: i wanna vote

2004-12-09 [Big Brother]: well you can't yet. not till after the nominations. and the nominations have not yet started.

2004-12-09 [Anvikit]: Purrhaps we should add a Cutest Pet as well

2004-12-09 [Big Brother]: go fo it. it was your original design

2004-12-09 [Sunrose]: :D

2004-12-09 [Anvikit]: Perhaps we should take out the polls off from the pages until its time to vote.. then have the members put their nominations on that page.. the nomination page should just tell the format of how to nominate.. as so with the voting page.. that way they wont get so jumbled

2004-12-09 [Sunrose]: the version is always saved, so if you change the page, the poll can be retrieved so you don't have to make it all over again.. ;)

2004-12-10 [Anvikit]: its not so hard to make a new one.. the ones on the page are not even set up yet.. =P .. all you have to do is retype wikipoll in the edit to have it back.. not too hard.. :P

2004-12-10 [Sunrose]: okay! :D

2004-12-10 [Big Brother]: take them out then i don't care

2004-12-14 [RabidSphinx]: hello...i'm stalking [Sunrose] does this mean the EP awards are official now? what about the old ones...and the old nominations?

2004-12-14 [Nevermore.]: im still hosting them

2004-12-14 [RabidSphinx]: whoot! what of the old nominations and votes? are they still going or are we starting over?

2004-12-14 [Nevermore.]: they will still be going on im gonna get them all counted after xmas

2004-12-14 [RabidSphinx]: alright, so there are these new votes here, plus the old ones? *is a little confused*

2004-12-14 [Big Brother]: those were un-official. [Anvikit] and I are in charge of the official one here. and the old ones are old. anyone who was nominated is out of luck unless someone nominates them here.

2004-12-14 [RabidSphinx]: that sucks...*is all sad* so much for my 10 votes...guess i should just give up...*sighs*...bye

2004-12-14 [Big Brother]: nominate yourself here. and get those 10 ppl. to vote on the official. we are using actual polls so no one person can cast more than one vote in each area.

2004-12-14 [RabidSphinx]: i guess...this still sucks...*grumbles* now i have to track down all my friends and bully them into voting...*cracks knuckles* beat down time...

2004-12-14 [Big Brother]: well voting will not start for a while.

2004-12-14 [RabidSphinx]: yah...but i only have *10* friends, so i will only *get* 10 votes if they all nominate or vote or whatever... *sighs*

2004-12-14 [Big Brother]: your pretty i'm sure others will vote for you too

2004-12-14 [RabidSphinx]: i don't see why...oh! another friend s on! time to bully them! *runs off*

2004-12-14 [Big Brother]: lol.

2004-12-14 [RabidSphinx]: damn...she signed off...*pouts* i feel like a whore telling them to vote for me again...*hangs head*

2004-12-14 [Big Brother]: if you want to do something try to get some of the answers for Trivia

2004-12-14 [Big Brother]: it's a pretty good prize

2004-12-14 [RabidSphinx]: yah...and i hate Chobitz...that show sucks hairy monkey balls...who wants to watch some perverted anime where this robot girl thing's on/off switch is her p*ssy?

2004-12-14 [Big Brother]: well the next one is going to be on "Full Metal Panic" or "Last Exile" but if you know any of the answers enter it. and it's not that perverted.....well ok it is.

2004-12-14 [Big Brother]: that is the series i'm re-encoding right now so that's what i chose.

2004-12-14 [RabidSphinx]: i haven't heard of any of those...this sucks...*grrrrr...*

2004-12-14 [Nevermore.]: the ones i have hosted are still going ahead, so you will still get ur votes there

2004-12-14 [Big Brother]: yup. nothing says you can't go there for it. it's just not the official ones.

2004-12-14 [Nevermore.]: but they were the orginal ones

2004-12-14 [Big Brother]: original yes, but it never went though the leaders to be named official.

2004-12-14 [Nevermore.]: i dident say they were

2004-12-14 [Big Brother]: i know.

2004-12-14 [RabidSphinx]: i like the old ones...oh-well...these *offical* ones are okay

2004-12-14 [Nevermore.]: i think these ones sound alittle complacated

2004-12-14 [Big Brother]: no...just make your nominations then we will setup the polls. polls are not complicated

2004-12-14 [RabidSphinx]: yah, but as long as *i* don't have to run them, all's good...

2004-12-14 [Nevermore.]: lol, i suppose, whatever

2004-12-14 [RabidSphinx]: i guess with these *official* ones, there will be more compotition, meaning i won't win them, just like i predicted on my wiki...(^_^)

2004-12-14 [Nevermore.]: what wiki?

2004-12-14 [Big Brother]: nothing says you will not win here.

2004-12-14 [RabidSphinx]: my RaineDrop's Shrine wiki...a friend had me make it and i *hate* it...but there on my comment list i said that there were actual *models* on this site as members and they will win, not me...*sighs*

2004-12-14 [funnygirl]: I like it. It is cool.

2004-12-14 [RabidSphinx]: this layout works better for me...less confusing to say the least...(^_^)

2004-12-14 [Big Brother]: yes very.

2004-12-16 [Nevermore.]: change of plans...the nominations are comming here..the votes are not being counted and the wiki is being delited, there's no point in being two

2004-12-16 [RabidSphinx]: awww.....alright....may i still keep my cool badge you gave me? i shall miss your wiki...

2004-12-16 [Solitiaum]: shes still getting credit for the idea ^_^ as soon as [Anvikit] gets up off her butt and does the constructor badge, she'll have it, if im not mistaken ^_^

2004-12-16 [Nevermore.]: hehe!! *feels privilaged!* you may...actully, if this wiki wants it, they can have it

2004-12-17 [Anvikit]: Yeah yeah .. :p .. hehe

2004-12-17 [Sunrose]: I don't know: Do we want to use the image from The Elfpack Awards for Elfpack Awards? I don't have objections... . Maybe we should make them smaller for houses though...

2004-12-17 [RabidSphinx]: i like mine...(^_^) but smaller would be cool too...

2004-12-17 [Nevermore.]: if you want..i could do another one...smaller...any wishes for a particullar colour?

2004-12-17 [Sunrose]: I'll leave that up to you guys! ;)

2004-12-17 [Nevermore.]: i can put it in any colour u wish..

2004-12-20 [Crazy.B]: cherry is fit

2004-12-20 [Nevermore.]: who is incharge of the awards??

2004-12-20 [Nevermore.]: (i need to sort somthing out)

2004-12-21 [Solitiaum]: i am o.o

2004-12-21 [Anvikit]: I am, [Solitiaum] and [Big Brother] Have control of this .

2004-12-21 [Solitiaum]: o_O i was under the impression the i was taking over for you until you werent as hassled...

2004-12-21 [Anvikit]: Yes you are.. but I got some complaints.. (not about you) about cheaters and such so I came back to check it out you are still.. plus battlefield is gone for a month

2004-12-21 [RabidSphinx]: i was wondering where he had gotten to...

2004-12-21 [Anvikit]: He went home for winter break, where he is internetless

2004-12-21 [RabidSphinx]: ah...oh-well...there are 30 nominations already for the cute girl award...that is going to be a long-ass poll...

2004-12-21 [Anvikit]: Yep =^_^= it sure will, I am glad to see such a nice turnout for the event!

2004-12-21 [RabidSphinx]: i think it will suck ass personally...i am not going to vote on a poll that has so many choices...

2004-12-21 [Anvikit]: Tis your own choice ;)

2004-12-21 [RabidSphinx]: *rolls eyes* this was a good idea on paper...but if you can handle it, then i'm behind you...this is all getting rather complicated isn't it? wow...this is *supposed* to be fun all you people!!

2004-12-22 [aslkjasdl]: Hey guys... you should add ugly categories and add me as Ugliest girl. lol

2004-12-22 [FireGypsy]: hey dont say that (-_-)

2004-12-22 [RabidSphinx]: if there were ugly categories i would win, and i don't need that for my self-essteem...

2004-12-24 [Adorable Ducky]: Can you nominate yourself? Cause I noticed on some catagories some people already have.

2004-12-24 [RabidSphinx]: can, but only if you use your *own* name to nominate yourself. if you edit a page, add you name as the nominee, but then a friends name as the nominator, you will have the nomination deleted for cheating.

2004-12-31 [Nevermore.]: <img:>...u still want it smaller?

2004-12-31 [Nevermore.]: or atall?

2005-01-01 [jdwoodschild]: hey, there should b the crazyest psyco persons!!!!

2005-01-01 [viqas]: when will the nominations close?

2005-01-01 [RabidSphinx]: i have no clue...sorry

2005-01-02 [Anvikit]: Nominations will cease in one weeks time. Then shortly after the polls will be constructed and the voting process can begin.

2005-01-02 [RabidSphinx]: yay!

2005-01-03 [viqas]: oooh *crosses fingers*

2005-01-08 [PyroBuggy]: *crosses fingers toes arms legs eyes and organs*

2005-01-08 [FireGypsy]: ouch, crossing of the organs, that must not feel too comfortable =)

2005-01-10 [Nevermore.]: will some one plz answer me about the badge

2005-01-10 [Sunrose]: I will ask around [Nevermore.] :)

2005-01-10 [Nevermore.]: ok, thank u!

2005-01-10 [RabidSphinx]: woot! i'm not winning cutest girl! woot! i told you all i wouldn't...(-_-)

2005-01-10 [Big Brother]: i voled for you lol.

2005-01-10 [RabidSphinx]: woot! i have 4 votes...i guess that's more than to be expected

2005-01-10 [Big Brother]: lol i didn't even get nominated for anything. i guess being nominater and not by yourself is better than nothing

2005-01-10 [RabidSphinx]: i guess...i nominate you hardest worker...*hugs*

2005-01-10 [Big Brother]: lol thanx. too bad that's not a catagory. but that would go to [1st Font], [Sunrose] or [Anvikit]

2005-01-10 [RabidSphinx]: still...always feels good to be nominated

2005-01-10 [Big Brother]: true, but i don't work for the credit....though i do like badges lol. i do it cause i like it.

2005-01-10 [RabidSphinx]: i just got the rat thing because i reported alot...and whim made me a love badges though...they make me feel special

2005-01-10 [Big Brother]: i don't do much reporting. only if it bugs me or is overly bad....but i do think the badge looks cool

2005-01-10 [RabidSphinx]: (^_^)

2005-01-10 [Sunrose]: [Nevermore.]: could you put on the banner the category such as: 'best wiki 01-2005', 'cutest girl 01-2005' etc. When the banners are awarded the link to the right wiki will be added in the badge-slot..okay?

2005-01-11 [Nevermore.]: yea! sure! no problem!

2005-01-11 [Nevermore.]: ok, all done, who will i send them 2?

2005-01-11 [Big Brother]: i'm not sure who is doing it but if you send them to me i would like to see them

2005-01-11 [Sunrose]: and to me! *^__^*

2005-01-11 [Big Brother]: .....but me first =P

2005-01-11 [Sunrose]: nono!! :P

2005-01-11 [Big Brother]: yes, yes

2005-01-11 [Sunrose]: O.o evil!

2005-01-11 [Big Brother]: ya, i've been called that quite a few times.....

2005-01-11 [Sunrose]: :O

2005-01-11 [Big Brother]: what? is that really surprizing?

2005-01-11 [Sunrose]: hmm maybe..

2005-01-11 [Big Brother]: i should show you an older pic then lol.

2005-01-11 [Sunrose]: :D

2005-01-11 [Big Brother]: .......k lets do some hunting

2005-01-11 [Sunrose]: ^____^

2005-01-11 [Big Brother]: <img:>

2005-01-11 [Sunrose]: well that's not evil! that's make-up!

2005-01-11 [Big Brother]: i wasn't always this ugly lol.

2005-01-11 [Big Brother]: well a picture can't really show attitude.

2005-01-11 [RabidSphinx]: i like....*huggles goth battle-boy*

2005-01-11 [Sunrose]: hehe that's what I meant and you're not ugly!!

2005-01-11 [RabidSphinx]: yeah, people like me are ugly...i dare say you are quite cute battle-dude

2005-01-11 [Big Brother]: lol. thanx. but i have to change cause i was getting hurt :S i live in a hick town....well not now but did.

2005-01-11 [RabidSphinx]: i get glass bottles thrown at me around here for the way i look...i guess it's a custum to throw objects at nasty things....but i have to go now...i can't see past my tears anymore...i think i cried my contacts out again....

2005-01-11 [Big Brother]: i know the feeling. that is why i'm not goth anymore.......still only wear black though.

2005-01-12 [alladoxaphobe]: well, goth really isn't a dressing fashion, it is a state of mind, so you can be goth, but dress any way you like, there is just a certain image tacked to the phrase,

2005-01-12 [Big Brother]: i know it but i was an outware goth. i never REALLY had the mindset.

2005-01-12 [RabidSphinx]: i don't know if i have the mindset, i just gress like one, so i'm told...

2005-01-12 [Big Brother]: i love wearing dark clothing. and i prefer a girl who is that way to. girls that dress in like hot pink and other light colors and act all preppy and shit bug me. not all the time but generally it's that way.

2005-01-12 [Anvikit]: Like oh my god, whats wrong with like the bright neon colors okay?.. Like whatever black to you then.. hehe.. sorry.. lol j/k for like real K? hehe

2005-01-12 [Big Brother]: nothing is wrong with them at all but i find in general the ones who dress that way bug happy and energetic i guess....i'm more of a calm take things as they come guy.

2005-01-12 [RabidSphinx]: i'm "goth" but i say "Wow, super cool" all the time...X} i'm odd like that...but as you can see in my pictures, i'm anything but "preppy" and i didn't dress up for my pictures like some wanna-be goths...that's just me in my room with my friend Krista...playing with her camera...heheheheh

2005-01-12 [Big Brother]: the only pics i like i take myself. and it's good to have your own attitude...BE ORIGINAL!!!

2005-01-12 [Big Brother]: ^_^ my pic is almost hidden!!! i don't really like that one X(

2005-01-12 [Anvikit]: Aww only two comment away now *points up*

2005-01-12 [Big Brother]: ok lets speed it up then

2005-01-12 [Big Brother]: gone with this one ^_^

2005-01-12 [RabidSphinx]: gone!! (^_^)

2005-01-12 [Big Brother]: haha i beat you to it =P

2005-01-12 [RabidSphinx]: damn you! you bastard! *pounces on battle-bastard*

2005-01-12 [Big Brother]: AHHHHH help!!! i'm a nerd and am too weak to defend myself!!!!

2005-01-12 [RabidSphinx]: *tickles* muhahahaha! take this battle-Bi-otch!

2005-01-12 [Big Brother]: NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! i'm defenceless against tickling. *starts so panic and claws at floor trying to drag himself to safty*

2005-01-12 [RabidSphinx]: *laughs evily* muhahhaaha! *and continues to tickile, sitting on battle-dude's back to stop him from getting away

2005-01-12 [Big Brother]: *starts to cry laughing* NOT FAIR!!!!!!

2005-01-12 [RabidSphinx]: that's what you get for spoiling my fun! *gets up* don't make me do that again...

2005-01-12 [Big Brother]: sorry......*hangs head*

2005-01-12 [RabidSphinx]: (^_^)

2005-01-12 [Anvikit]: Did you guys see the news on mainsteet? .... Sad..

2005-01-12 [Big Brother]: do you have the priv to search an ip to see if there are multiple accounts making the same vote?......if you can see who votes what that is.

2005-01-12 [RabidSphinx]: yeah, the coconut and sexc chicks cheating to win the cutest girl awards....*sighs* i guess i can't feel bad for losing to them if they are not playing fair...

2005-01-12 [Sunrose]: no, then the poll should've been different: then it should've been a poll where you can see who voted for what...

2005-01-12 [Big Brother]: well we know better for next time i guess.

2005-01-12 [RabidSphinx]: yeah...i guess if i lose to someone with 100 votes, i really didn't deserve to win...(-_-)

2005-01-12 [Sunrose]: I will delete the next whiney comment! >.<

2005-01-12 [RabidSphinx]: whaaaaa! whaaaaa! whaaaa!

2005-01-12 [Big Brother]: things will be taken care of if need be. we don't know bout anything. maybe lots of ppl. just like them!!

2005-01-12 [RabidSphinx]: hahah? you kidding? they are total bitches...X] but oh-well...they added me to their wiki saying i was fun to "fight with" and i was like, "or make fun of...."

2005-01-12 [Big Brother]: right................

2005-01-12 [RabidSphinx]: i think they think they are funny...and they really aren't...

2005-01-12 [Sunrose]: then don't join for god's sake!

2005-01-12 [RabidSphinx]: i didn't join...they added my name to their "list" on a passworded wiki page where they also list sexc and make fun of her, calling her a cyber whore...i thought they were all friends on that wiki, but they are all very cattie and get in fights and mess with each other's profiles and stuff...

2005-01-13 [Sunrose]: well then don't look at the wiki or report them: do something and stop complaining about it...

2005-01-13 [Big Brother]: if you don't want to be up there ask to be romoved.

2005-01-13 [RabidSphinx]: naw...that would be no fun...they keep me busy...if they get really nasty, or break any more rules, i wil report them...

2005-01-13 [RabidSphinx]: oh yeah....whaaa whaaa whaaaaaaa!

2005-01-13 [Sunrose]: okay, so you like being there (qoute:'that would be no fun'), okay! then stop making me get all these wiki-notifications when the main-subject keeps being the bitching about these people!

2005-01-13 [RabidSphinx]: i'm done...i got it out of my system yesterday....i was having a bad day...

2005-01-13 [RabidSphinx]: sorry about yesterday...i was being stupid...i had forgotten that no one cares so i shouldn't whine...(^_^) i annoyed people...sorry everyone...

2005-01-13 [Sunrose]: oeh c&p your comment to all wiki's! :-P

2005-01-13 [RabidSphinx]: i did to a few...but i don't feel like one cares anyways...i just have to remember that next time i feel like shit, not to say anything is all

2005-01-13 [owly]: it's not that no one cares... it's that whining is massively unproductive... & when one does it all the time, eventually ppl will just start zoning it out b/c it's normal and thus requires no response or anything.

2005-01-13 [RabidSphinx]: naw...really, it's no one complaining gets no one no, i will keep it to myself, as always...(^_^) just a happy little RD again...not a problem in the world

2005-01-13 [Sunrose]: yea woteva RD. please do judge my thoughts and say I don't care! Thanks! Anyway, just because I care doesn't mean I like the whining. It's not: Caring = the like to listen to whining. It's Caring = a loving feeling/feeling and exhibiting concern and empathy for others. Your whining asks for pity, not caring.

2005-01-13 [RabidSphinx]: one likes a whiner, so there for, i just wont say anything

2005-01-13 [Sunrose]: If all you have to say are whiney things... . You know, it's not that I hate listening to people who are in bad times, but your bad times...are omnipresent and unrealistic. You need to get a grip and snap out of it. You're making irrelevant things in your life important (like elfpackpolls) and constantly claim you're fat and ugly. We ALL know you're not and keep saying so. However, you feel the need to keep at it anyway. Well fine be that way, don't believe what we say. It gets tiring to listen to someone who doesn't listen herself. That's the whole problem. You need to learn to place things in perspective and say to yourself; 'Well I feel like crap right now, but at least my whole family..

2005-01-13 [Sunrose]: didn't die in a tsunami..'

2005-01-14 [Anvikit]: Well said *applauds*

2005-01-14 [Big Brother]: yes, yes. very good rant

2005-01-14 [Sunrose]: Thank you! *bows* ^___^

2005-01-14 [Big Brother]: will there be any more? cause i would like to buy advance tickets

2005-01-14 [Sunrose]: If I am inspired! heheh! What does that mean? Like a ticket so I can rant about you? Or you just want to be in the 1st row for my next rant?

2005-01-14 [Big Brother]: 1st row!!! i don't want to be the victom!!

2005-01-14 [Sunrose]: LOL! *wink wink* ;-)

2005-01-14 [Big Brother]: ...i don't like that winking............your plotting against me aren't you!!

2005-01-14 [Sunrose]: me noooo! NEVER! x'D

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