Page name: Coexistence [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-05-31 01:39:30
Last author: Wally :(
Owner: Pandora♥xcore
# of watchers: 6
Fans: 0
D20: 4
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Welcome to Coexistence! ^^

In the world of vampires, demons, dragons, and other various creatures, a war rages on for indipendence. In the end one clan will win, only the strong will survive. Or is it possible for everyone to live together?

It's your choice to decide what clan you belong with and what path you are going to take. Fight for your indipendence or fight for peace and harmony.

Coexistence RPG Page


Character name:


Username: [Pandora♥xcore]
Character name: Lukia Seras
Age: 19
Clan: Vampire
Powers/Weapons: Guns, knife, teeth
History: Loner and outcast, wanders on her own

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Username: [TIDES WILL TURN;]
Character name: Liem (meaning "strong wind")
Age: 664
Clan: Arctic Dragon (all white with white feathers covering her wings, a gold ring pierced into her left ear.) [picture coming soon]
Powers/Weapons: a sharp spike at the tip of her long tail, wind, and telekinesis. Not to mention, her body can withstand extremely low temperatures, being and Arctic Dragon and all.
History: Liem used to live in the freezing Arctics with other arctic dragons, who were unfortunately poached by Dragon Slayers for the valuable feathers on their wings. Somehow she managed to survive as the last dragon, the poachers had eventually died out from the freezing temperatures, and she was left completely on her own for 67 years. Eventually she realized it was only her in the Arctic, but her instinct told her there were other dragons beond the freezing boarderlines. She flew across the ocean, and came upon the tropics, where she met Lukia, who taught her that not all humans are after her feathers. In fact, most were afraid of her, even though Liem didn't have one mean bone in her body. Later on, Liem and Lukia were seperated. To this day she continues searching for another dragon, just so she knows that she isn't alone...


Username: [My Sky's The Limit]
Character name: Namida
Age: 15
Clan: demon
Powers/Weapons: spear, hidden daggers, shadow shaping, blood element
History: [coming soon]


Username: [Kaos101]
Character name: Keliest
Age: 19
Clan: demon
Powers/Weapons: sword, strength, bow & arrow, telekenesis,
History: His past is shrouded in mystery. All that is known to those other than himself is that he was raised into the demon clan as one of the strongest before he left when he was seventeen for unknown reasons. It is uknown what motivations he has or who he follows


Username:[Sky Chord]
Character name:Kazuku (He may use "Spike","Tooku" or "Cloud" as a nick name)
Powers/Weapons:sword and gun
History:Hes kind of a traveler,he helps out in villages that he thinks needs it

Username: [Allison.]
Character name: Amicitia Verusinia
Age: 19
Clan: vampire
Powers/Weapons: Traditional Katana and the power to control water.
History: She's small and slight and has endured many pains in her life. her entire family is dead and she lives on her own, surviving off of the land, and alcohol. She is in love with afriend, but unable to voice it. Shes sweet and timid, though firey and deadly when angry.


Username: [Blinded Seraphim]
Character name: Damion Drake (Known as RedWing)
Age: 214
Clan: Dragon/ Sorceror
Powers/Weapons: Ancient spellbooks from which he summons powerful spells, sword he calls the "Blood Talon" the handle is made of genuine dragon fang (See history)
History: Damion was once a wise sorceror who lived on his own in the mountains, one day he saw dragon hunters trying to kill a dragon whose leg had been badly injured in one of their traps. Damion dispatched the hunters with his magic as the law on his mountain is "One will not shed blood on this, the home of the Draco" (Draco meaning an ancient word for the dragons). The dragon offered Damion a very rare gift, the powers of the dragon infused with his human blood. Damion ccepted and because of this he acquired a few of the amazing powers of the dragons, their ability to breathe fire, the wings that flow from his back, and most importantly, his unnaturally long life. Damion despises the wars because he is a peaceful individual. years after he gained his powers...Damion found out that his dragon friend died at the impresive age (even by dragon standards) of 3,497. a companion of the dragon kept a small fang that the dragon had shed and said "A peice of my brother shll live on with you human" (This clan of dragons referred to all of their members as brothers and sisters)

Character name:Hotsuma Oboro
Age:26(knowledge extends far beyond his age.)
Powers/Weapons:He controls all the elements, he uses his claws, demon fangs, fists, and feet. He has mastered many martial arts and also uses his cursed sword Akujiki(Deatails of Akujiki in history.)
History:Hotsuma's childhood village was destroied by an evil sorcerer named Hiruko a few years after he was made leader of the Oboro clan. He killed Hiruko after he had to fight his brother (who was brought back by Hiruko). He had to face his brother in a battle to the death for leadership. He later found out the battle was only to keep Akujiki supressed by feeding it a spirit. He has been a wanderer for a long time but has often found it hard since his cursed sword feeds off his spirit if it does not get enough evil and hatered taken in. The only way to get this evil and keep his cursed sword supressed is to defeat enemies on his path.


Username: [une histoire d'amour]
Character name: Violet
Age: 17
Clan: Demon
Powers/Weapons: Mostly uses swords/ daggers, but when necessary with fught with fists. Can use limited magic and is an excelent huntress, it comes naturaly
History: Abandoned as a child for her mother's fear that she would be discovered and anger her father. Taken in by vampires until she was 10, has been alone ever since. Trusts vampires and demons alike.

[Wally :(]
Character name:Black Death Bringer
Clan:Spirit Warrior/Spellcaster/Spirit
Powers and Weapons:Sword,Bow&Arrows,Phsychic,Lightning,Fire
History:Orphaned as a baby and found by strangers.these strangers raise the baby and train him to be a great warrior,he was a great child and very protective of his foster parents.he dies protecting them as they were wounded.he becomes a spirit in the world and he masters 3 mayjor types of spells:fire,lightning,and phsychic.he is a prtector of all spirits around him.

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2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: goth, emo whatever. I like it

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: i guess. im not goth though. *looks at becky* yeah i know! ^.^

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: I'm not goth either

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: me and kee are ninjas! >.<

2006-05-26 [Kaos101]: good...I'm sorry, but I don't like all

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: :o don't forget nan! >< omfg you guys I turned my grandma into a ninjas today...I even took a picture of her! ><

2006-05-26 [My Sky's The Limit]:'re a crazy bitch but you fuck so good im on top of this when i dream im doin you all night XD XD XD XD

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: it's ok, i'm far from goth

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: scratch yourself down my back to keep ya right on!

2006-05-26 [Kaos101]: yeah...that music video was umm...interestingly appealing Cathy

2006-05-26 [My Sky's The Limit]: ^^

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: omg she told me to watc it and I was litterly like

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: *schmacks you guys* stupihead-whorelyricy-crazybitchsinging-idiot-jerks-_-.

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: -_- fuckface...

2006-05-26 [My Sky's The Limit]: YAY a bitchout!!! can i join!?!?!

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: *looks at her like shes about to cry* @_@

2006-05-26 [My Sky's The Limit]: awwwwww

2006-05-26 [Kaos101]: *sits in bleachers, eating popcorn behind bullet proof glass*

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: -_-

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: babble babble bitch bitch rebel rebel party party sex sex sex and don't forget the violence....^-^

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: -_- *schmacks yew*

2006-05-26 [My Sky's The Limit]: WOOHOO HELL YEAH!

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: *kicks her*

2006-05-26 [Kaos101]: *chomps more popcorn*

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: *throws a penis at her*

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: (snarfs lmao!) *does a super spinny ninjas kick at her* (like Gabe did @_@)

2006-05-26 [My Sky's The Limit]: *watches the penis*

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: (*cracks up* ><..@_@) *dodjes it like a ninja and comes at her with her own ninja kick*

2006-05-26 [My Sky's The Limit]: ooooooooooooooooooh *watches with video camera*

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: *block it then pulls out ninja sword*

2006-05-26 [Kaos101]: *Wonders where she got that penis*

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: (snarfs Roshi has many wonderful objects XD)

2006-05-26 [My Sky's The Limit]: *keeps video taping*

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: *stops ninjastyling and shakes ass for the camera* *sings* i'm a sexy camera whore ;)

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: *-_- pulls out another one of her "wonderful objects" and throws it at her*

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: FJKDSA;FJKSADFSJKALHFJKL;AFK; *tackles her* oh no youre not!

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: *gets up and shoves her* oh yes I am don't go there with me! ><

2006-05-26 [My Sky's The Limit]: *video tapes them both and kraks up laffing*

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: *does that finger-swing the head-thingy that ghetto girls do* oh no you di-int! ><

2006-05-26 [My Sky's The Limit]: *blinks*

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: *puts hand son hips and shakes body shakes head and shoulders side to side* Eyea I diyad!

2006-05-26 [My Sky's The Limit]: XD XD

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: -_- *gets up, says nothing, and walks away*

2006-05-26 [My Sky's The Limit]: *blinks*

2006-05-26 [Kaos101]: *is on my back holding my sides, cracking up laughing* I'm guessing you're all white

2006-05-26 [My Sky's The Limit]: and what are you?

2006-05-26 [Kaos101]: ...well...partly white.

2006-05-26 [My Sky's The Limit]: im greek

2006-05-26 [Kaos101]: congradulations. But I'm pretty sure that makes you caucasian.

2006-05-26 [My Sky's The Limit]: *nods* and i should care.....???

2006-05-26 [Kaos101]: nope...just ddin;t know if you were trying to prove something or not...but yes, it is awesome that you are greek ^_^

2006-05-26 [My Sky's The Limit]: thanks i grandmother is full greek im not sad enough to say but i di know some

2006-05-26 [Kaos101]: well that's a good thing to know

2006-05-26 [My Sky's The Limit]: my grandmother cussed me out in greek before -_-

2006-05-26 [Kaos101]: and you understood her?

2006-05-26 [My Sky's The Limit]: no she told me what she said XD

2006-05-26 [Kaos101]:'s like cussing you out twice

2006-05-26 [My Sky's The Limit]: yeah i know i was 5 she told me "eat shit dick breath" and i went around repeating it and thank god no one else was greek

2006-05-26 [Kaos101]: dick breath? That's original

2006-05-26 [My Sky's The Limit]: lol i dont know eihter well ima go to bed ttyl *hug*

2006-05-26 [Kaos101]: kay ^_^

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: *cracks up* omfg XD

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: Hahaha. um, im like, part everything...Im a mut! ^.^

2006-05-26 [Kaos101]: Umm, there a problem, Becky?

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: nope, why?

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: Im hungry.

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: lol *eats scalloped potatoes* ^^

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: @_@...

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: *screams* YEA! I'M HOME ALONE NOW! >< *blasts music and sings loudly*

2006-05-26 [Kaos101]: ME TOO!!

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: *screams*

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: cool! ><

2006-05-26 [Kaos101]: *covers ears to block screaming

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: TT_TT

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: o.o

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: I guess it's ok I puked the day away I guess it's better you trapped yourself in your own way and if you want me back you're gonna have to ask nicer than that

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: um, soap^_^.

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: *cries* he was on today! >< damned Sam -__-

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: *hugs*

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: *hugs back* she's getting her ass kicked on Tuesday! ><

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: lmao! at 3:00! ><

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: lmao yea!

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: hahaha

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: *sighs* well there's always later or tomorrow...

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: Yeah:). Im sure he misses you too beck.

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: I hope.......

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: *schmacks you to knock sense into you* of course he does!>< lol...sorry-_-'..wanna Lollipop?^_^'

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: -__-' shet ep *sighs* I had one in math was a blowpop *cracks up*

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: *snarfs*

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: hahaha blowpop XD

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: you blow it and it pops xD ...o.o..*snarfs really hard*

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: um no...that's not the joke...

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: ..........................................

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: *shakes head* I have to explain this all the time...say the word blowpop outloud slowly

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: ...yes...

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: blow...pop...

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: i know! >< i laughed really hard because i pictured someone gives them a blowjob and the.. it pops :O!

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: no! omg nvm..... -__-'

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: *is still laughing at your pic*

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: *is still laughing too*

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: where did you go on aim? I finished the pic *snarfs and cracks up again*

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: im still there lol ^^

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: lol you didn't answer for like 15 minutes

2006-05-26 [GlassCasket]: well im gonna test out my new rp character here! go me!!

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: yay! *hugs* now it will be more fun ^^

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: alright Cammies here too! *glomps*

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: 8 members, 238 comments on the rp...I'm so happy! This rp is a success for me! ^^

2006-05-26 [une histoire d'amour]: hey i finaly joined! ^-^

2006-05-26 [une histoire d'amour]: 9 members now...

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: you made 8...

2006-05-26 [une histoire d'amour]: oh >.>

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: lol tis ok

2006-05-26 [une histoire d'amour]: *singss*

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: *sings too*

2006-05-26 [une histoire d'amour]: *dances with becky*

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: you're so crazy! you're so crazy! you're so crazy! SO CRAZY! drown me drown me drown me you're so crazy you;re so crazy...

2006-05-27 [une histoire d'amour]: i lvoe that song! you know he says fuck my ass in the song too! and he repeats it! *giggles*

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: woah raelly?! *puts it on*

2006-05-27 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: -_-

2006-05-27 [une histoire d'amour]: lol yup! XD

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: *listens carefully*

2006-05-27 [une histoire d'amour]: lol XD

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: *cracks up* LMFAO! He does say fuck my ass! ><

2006-05-27 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: .. it is kinda funny though ^^

2006-05-27 [une histoire d'amour]: i know he doe! ^-^

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: lmao

2006-05-27 [une histoire d'amour]: what is?

2006-05-27 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: that he says fuck my ass, xD.

2006-05-27 [une histoire d'amour]: oh

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: it's so funny

2006-05-27 [une histoire d'amour]: yeha i know! XD and the boobly woobly macaroonies is HILARIOUS!

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: oggly googly macaroonies! ><

2006-05-27 [une histoire d'amour]: lmao! XD i love that song!

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: me too!

2006-05-27 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: LMAO!! wtf? xD

2006-05-27 [une histoire d'amour]: peices.. peices peices!

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: this song is sad...

2006-05-27 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: this song is emo: standing on the edge of the Palisades Cliffs, in the shadow of the skyline. The lightning rod, it couldn't pull the storm from me. I was five years old, my best friend's older brother died. He fell from these cliffs, the river washed him away, the current pulled him downstream and our lives float in the headlines. So we parked these cars, parents garage, and listened to the lullaby of carbon monoxide... *feels all emoy-_-* the lyrics are deep though^_^

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: wow.......The Used's Poetic Tragedy is really sad...but sorry g2g everyone be back later! ♥

2006-05-27 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: i likes that song. okay Byebye seeya tomorrow!^_^ *waves*

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: me too *yawns* man so tired...that movie was like 2 1/2 hours long...

2006-05-27 [My Sky's The Limit]: god XD

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: it was kinda boring too...

2006-05-27 [Kaos101]: what's the new picture gor?

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: what picture...sorry i'm slow v.v

2006-05-27 [Kaos101]: the purply picture just above the comment box

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: oh sorry -_-' that's [une histoire d'amour]'s rp character

2006-05-27 [Kaos101]: Ooh...Oooooh

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: yea ^^

2006-05-27 [Kaos101]: Well, you guys seem to be getting pretty well without me

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: -_- not true, nobody said that, it's always fun having everyone rp

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: sorry guys i'm tired as hell, gonna go to bed, i'll try to be on tomorrow before I leave byeyes! ^^ ♥

2006-05-27 [My Sky's The Limit]: dude i read the older comments and wth r u guys talking about "fuck my ass"???????? XD XD

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: lmao! yea XD It was in the song You're So Crazy, the guy shouts fuck my ass a few times

2006-05-27 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: *schmacks the guy that sings it*

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: :o you dare smack The Used! ><

2006-05-27 [une histoire d'amour]: hey i wouldnt mind smaking his ass >.>

2006-05-27 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: *snarfs*

2006-05-27 [une histoire d'amour]: lol he asked for it! XD

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: lol

2006-05-27 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: lmao! Remember the Billie Joe Ass Finder? xD

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: lmao yea XD

2006-05-27 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: my mom found that picture and shes like....Dana Kristen youre grounded -_-

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: LMFAO! I remember she did

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: well at least she didn't find the holy condom XD

2006-05-27 [une histoire d'amour]: LMAO!!!! XD

2006-05-27 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: LMAO! xD

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: that was great

2006-05-27 [une histoire d'amour]: ll yeah! XD my mom saw that and shes like WTF IS THAT?!

2006-05-27 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: *laughs harder*

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: *snarfs* lmao! well g2g everyone maybe be on later if Roshi lets me snag the comp for a few minutes XD either that or i'll be on tomorrow night byebyes! ♥

2006-05-27 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: Im gonna go too. *waves* ^_^

2006-05-29 [Pandora♥xcore]: hi everyone! ^-^

2006-05-29 [Allison.]: can anyone explain to me whats been going on

2006-05-29 [Pandora♥xcore]: nothing really all that special, it's just a bunch of people looking for dragons and stuff

2006-05-29 [Allison.]: oh okay

2006-05-29 [Pandora♥xcore]: yep

2006-05-29 [Pandora♥xcore]: *cries* TT__TT this wiki is slowly dieing...nobody is here anymore v.v

2006-05-29 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: *hugs* I am still here!^_^

2006-05-29 [Pandora♥xcore]: *hugs back* yea you and Cathy are, everyone else left

2006-05-29 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: -_-' *throws applesauce at them* ><

2006-05-29 [Pandora♥xcore]: lmao XD

2006-05-29 [Wally :(]: hi

2006-05-29 [Pandora♥xcore]: hello ^^

2006-05-29 [Wally :(]: im bored

2006-05-29 [Pandora♥xcore]: yea mee too v.v

2006-05-29 [The Witch's Cat]: May I join?

2006-05-29 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: Join the RP, friend! ^.^

2006-05-29 [Pandora♥xcore]: Oh course!

2006-05-30 [Zero Avalon]: can i join

2006-05-30 [My Sky's The Limit]: i dont see why not ^^

2006-05-30 [Zero Avalon]: booya

2006-05-30 [My Sky's The Limit]: lol XD

2006-05-30 [Zero Avalon]: i still need a picture threw...

2006-05-30 [Wally :(]: ummmmm can i join...

2006-05-31 [My Sky's The Limit]: dont see why not she needs people to join and go find a picture duh -_-

2006-05-31 [Wally :(]: ok

2006-05-31 [Zero Avalon]: its the finding a pic with is hard -_-

2006-05-31 [My Sky's The Limit]: no its not dude

2006-08-18 [Pandora♥xcore]: not really

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