Page name: Anime Crazed [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-08-27 01:28:32
Last author: Greg Universe
Owner: Pandora♥xcore
# of watchers: 25
D20: 5
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Anime Crazed


Made by me [Pandora♥xcore]

Welcome to Anime Crazed! This is the ulitimate anime and manga wiki on Elfpack, where you can view anime, read manga, compete in contests, and just about anything else!

If you have any questions, comments, or ideas, don't hesitate to message me! [Pandora♥xcore]

Just add yourself, no need to ask
Our Members:

1. [Pandora♥xcore] Owner and creator
2. [My Sky's The Limit] *flails arms* ANIME LOVER FOR LIFE!
4. [Blood Red Sandman] AS IF I COULND'T LOVE ANIME/MANGA!!!!!!!! IT THE BEST THING JAPAN HAS EVER CREATED, besides raman. Eating raman and watching/reading anime/manga....... that's the life....
5.[kyraawr] I love anime.
6.[Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses] anime and jrock junkie
7.[Knights Queen]whole room full of anime i love it
8.[Sieg Heil!!.PK] Lucky number 7. Go me. X3 Otakus shall rule the world.
9.[Amaranthine]- Anime is my way of life.
10.[---{Sir Bitch}---] I love anime. There's just no better way of saying it.
11.[Mataza_71191]*bows to a giant manga book*
12. [d o n e] I love Anime. <3333 :DD
13. [Link -- Hero in Green] I'll join. ;) I'm not a huge fan but Its okay.
14.[Wolf Star]- I just love it.
15.[comfyshoes]-can't and don't want to live without it!
16. [Jayr] when you grow up watching it, you get hooked
17. [Dreamdemon**] if it werent for anime id die of bordom.
18. [countdown] anime...wooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
19. [ILY;;] I Am Not A Total Anime Freak *Shifty eyes* No Seriously *Sniggers* ANIME OMFG!!! AH!
20: [Kai - Chan] ...AnimeIsMyLife  How can my mum say its baby-ish? pfft. I'll love all anime until im dead! XD
22: [Kalisie Kilik] ANIME ROCKS!!
23: [*Selphie*] The art is cool.....
24: [Sonya Blue]
25: [(Kishu);] i was named after anime! so awesome!
26: [soo_almighty] yes, i'm addicted, but at least i aint hiding it *loves anime*
27: [Monster Master] I thought I joined! But, anywho.. I love anime!
28: [*Suicidal Cupcake*] - ZOMG, I remember the first anime I ever watched was Sailor Moon, I've loved it ever sinse. Even to the point of staying up all night to watch it. :P
29: [Greg Universe] Hetalia is awesome. Just sayin'. <3

So what's here on Anime Crazed?

Anime Crazed's Anime Page
Here you can view a growing list of anime!

Anime Crazed's Manga Page
Here you can view a growing list of manga! Please be patient, it will take time for me to scan and upload each volume.

Anime Crazed's FanFiction Page
Post all of your fan fiction here!

Anime Crazed's Cosplay Contest
Compete in a cosplay contest! Ends when I think when I think we have enough entries or if it drags on to long.

Anime Crazed's Art Contest
Art contest that happens every other month.

Anime Crazed's Anime Videos
Here you can post your anime videos or watch others!

Anime Crazed's Recipe Page
Use these recipes to try and make some of your own Japanese food!

Anime Crazed's Banners
Our club banners. Please add one to your page or wiki page to promote out club! Please feel free to add some as well.

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2006-09-06 [Blood Red Sandman]: .......................... T_T Lucky!

2006-09-06 [kyraawr]: Yay Anime!

2006-09-06 [Pandora♥xcore]: yay member hi! ^^
:o I want real ramen! Though I do like those little instant cup ones and the Ramen Noodle packs things they have...

2006-09-06 [Elf_Person]: my best friends mom lived in japan so she knows how to make it

2006-09-06 [Blood Red Sandman]: DOUBLE LUCKY! Can you get the recipe and give it me? PULEAZE???

2006-09-06 [Pandora♥xcore]: lol yea! we should make a recipe page here, I have Japanese recipes @_@ yummy so good! my Bio teacher lived in Japan for a year, she used to teach su Japanese in class it was so fun XD

2006-09-06 [Blood Red Sandman]: COOL! Get all the recipes or something, please! *Begs on two knees*

2006-09-06 [Pandora♥xcore]: lol no problem I will ^^ add them later if I can

2006-09-06 [Elf_Person]: ill try

2006-09-06 [Blood Red Sandman]: thanks!

2006-09-06 [Pandora♥xcore]: your welcome!

2006-09-06 [Blood Red Sandman]: ^_^ I love it here already

2006-09-06 [Pandora♥xcore]: aww thanks -^^- I was working forever yesterday, promising myself to make the ultimate anime wiki lol now I just have to start posting some manga up

2006-09-06 [une histoire d'amour]: *waves* ^^

2006-09-06 [Pandora♥xcore]: hello

2006-09-06 [une histoire d'amour]: wazzup?

2006-09-06 [Pandora♥xcore]: on the phone

2006-09-06 [une histoire d'amour]: ROBBY!

2006-09-06 [Elf_Person]: who?

2006-09-06 [une histoire d'amour]: robby... O.O

2006-09-06 [Elf_Person]: who?

2006-09-06 [une histoire d'amour]: ROBBY!!!! >< tall... skinny... looks like GI joe!

2006-09-06 [Elf_Person]: who in the hell is robby

2006-09-06 [Pandora♥xcore]: lol not you Rob, my friend Robby

2006-09-06 [Elf_Person]: well it still doesnt explain who robby is

2006-09-06 [une histoire d'amour]: .... nvm! ><

2006-09-06 [Elf_Person]: ok

2006-09-06 [Pandora♥xcore]: Robby:
Tall, lives in New Jersey, is one of my best friends, has brown hair, owns bunnies, works at a pharmacy, likes to do cartwheels

2006-09-06 [Elf_Person]: still doesnt explain who he is whats his sn

2006-09-06 [une histoire d'amour]: LMFAO! XD i need to see him do a cartwheel!

2006-09-06 [Pandora♥xcore]: he isn't on here

2006-09-06 [une histoire d'amour]: yeah he's too special -_-'

2006-09-06 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: ello =p

2006-09-06 [une histoire d'amour]: oh oyou're here too? ^^ hi! omg that was so cute what bobert said in the rp! >.<

2006-09-06 [Elf_Person]: lol

2006-09-06 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: lol when??

2006-09-06 [une histoire d'amour]: THAT WAS SO CUTE! *glomps* since when did you say cute stuff like tat huh?

2006-09-06 [une histoire d'amour]: like just now! ><

2006-09-06 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: lol he always talks like that @.@

2006-09-06 [une histoire d'amour]: not to me... *whispers* he must like you! *grins widely*

2006-09-06 [Elf_Person]: yeah cammie your too busy hitting me to hear me

2006-09-06 [Pandora♥xcore]: aww!

2006-09-06 [une histoire d'amour]: ... i dont hit you! >< hard...

2006-09-06 [une histoire d'amour]: okay fine IM SORRY! TT_TT *huggles*

2006-09-06 [Pandora♥xcore]: aw

2006-09-06 [une histoire d'amour]: whats aw?

2006-09-06 [Elf_Person]: *hugs*its ok cammie i forgive you*pauses*i think

2006-09-06 [Pandora♥xcore]: lol!

2006-09-06 [une histoire d'amour]: .... TT_TT

2006-09-06 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: *gets up* ouch >.<

2006-09-06 [une histoire d'amour]: whats wrong?

2006-09-06 [Pandora♥xcore]: yea?

2006-09-06 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: i hurt my arm rolling on the floor =(

2006-09-06 [Elf_Person]: *looks at nicole*you hurt your wrist didnt you*kisses her wrist*all better*smiles*

2006-09-06 [une histoire d'amour]: why were you rolling on the floor? o.0

2006-09-07 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: my mistake (my wrist) cause i was laughing so hard =p tnx rob feels alot better now

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: np nicole i dont mind

2006-09-07 [Pandora♥xcore]: lmao

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: *got all her color coded bandaids all ready* darn it he beat me to it...

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: *laughs*

2006-09-07 [Pandora♥xcore]: lol *has little medical box that says* "Kee's first-aid kit"

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: KEE FOR CREW

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: yes we know...

2006-09-07 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: *laughs* i think its a little beyond bandaids

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]:


2006-09-07 [Pandora♥xcore]: lmao thanks guys ^^

2006-09-07 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: *laughs* i think its a little beyond bandaids

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: yeah i do too nicole,BIG LETTERS*bows*

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: i know it was nicole*kisses it again*too bad it really doesnt help the healing process

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: aww kisses always makes evertyhing better...

2006-09-07 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: oh, but maybe it dose *smiles*

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: well i hope so*smiles*

2006-09-07 [Pandora♥xcore]: yea they do

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: ... yeah.. they do

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]:


2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: mucho yay ^^ mucho grande THIS BIG!!! *opens arms really wide*

2006-09-07 [Pandora♥xcore]: lol

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: lol

2006-09-07 [Pandora♥xcore]: *yawns* so tired v.v

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: im sorry

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: not me... i had jello ^-^

2006-09-07 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: jello ROCKS

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: i know.. it tastes good too

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: JERLLO THE MAIN GIGGALO

2006-09-07 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: rob you a dork =p

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: O.O my jello...

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: i know i am im also wierd clinicly insane

2006-09-07 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: you are not

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: yes

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: JOIN THE DORK CLUB BOBERT!!! ^^

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: lol

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: im president dork...

2006-09-07 [Blood Red Sandman]: huh?

2006-09-07 [Pandora♥xcore]: no I am president and your president Camille

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: yes you are

2006-09-07 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: going to go for awhile talk to ya guys later ^^ *glomps everyone and double glomps rob*

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: *double glomps back*bye bye nicole ill miss you when your gone

2006-09-07 [Pandora♥xcore]: *huggles* byebyes! ^^

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: wow.. a double glomp O.O

2006-09-07 [Pandora♥xcore]: lol

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: i didnt know they existed TT_TT

2006-09-07 [Pandora♥xcore]: yea...

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: im special

2006-09-07 [Pandora♥xcore]: yes you are!

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: i know....poor nicole

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: why poor nicole?

2006-09-07 [DRACE]: greettings earthlings \m/ (<>..<>) \m/

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: ahh!!!! its drace!! whats up?!

2006-09-07 [Blood Red Sandman]: ??

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: hi

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: YAYZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: ^-^

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: how are ya

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: im good, first day of school...

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: my first day was 2 weeks ago,how was it

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: good ^^ lots of assholes in some of my classes but i made new friendds ^^

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: thats good

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: yeah...

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: im glad for you i made alot of new friends

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: yeah ^^ new friends are good as long as they dont stab you in the back

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: well when i was in 6th grade my friend told me to come into the rest room i went in there and 2 big guys were in there he ran out and left me to fight,see he was running his mouth then i was his scape goat iv never trusted him again

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: wow what an ass!

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: yes very iv whipped his ass about 20 times since then the last time i slammed his head in the door jam then took the door and started hittting him with it

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: OMG! O.O is he still alive?!

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: yeah he is amazingy damnit

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: that sucks! ><

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: i know i was aiming for death but it didnt happen

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: i can tel...*cocksgun* maybe you need some assistance?

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: no thank you

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: okay... sry

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: lol

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: .. i can still kick his butt! ><

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: true you really could

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: lol you know i could ^^

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: yes you could

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: .. *sigh* bored...

2006-09-07 [Pandora♥xcore]: hehehe *remembers Jaryed* man that kid was such an asshole! I tokm care of him though XD

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: hello

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: jaryed?

2006-09-07 [Pandora♥xcore]: hello! ^^
yep in middle school, he always bullied me so I like beat him up and he never bullied me again! XD little ol' me lmao

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: lol awesome

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: *puppy eyes* can you beat up bryce pwetty please

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: who?

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: this asshole in my class

2006-09-07 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: ^^ello *looks aound*ok who needs an ass woopen

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: *raises my hand*i want one*smirks before laughing*

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: i do

2006-09-07 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: haha very funny rob =p

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: i know

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: what was funny?

2006-09-07 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: what did this ass do to ya

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: exactly

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: he just liked to publicly humiliate me..

2006-09-07 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: ok tell more

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: he grabbed my bewb -_- and just kept touching me for a whole period... i wanted to hurt him so bad!

2006-09-07 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: well dear thats called sexual harrasment!

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: yeah i know.... but i want to hurt him SO BAD!!!!

2006-09-07 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: and you should have then went and told the principal

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: i did...

2006-09-07 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: well good girl

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: ITS CLOBBERIN TIME

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: yeah.... but still.. i want to RIP HIS HEA OFF AND FEED HIS GUTS TO RAVENOUS DOGS!!!

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: ok i can help

2006-09-07 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: sounds fun^^

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: ^^ thanks...

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: i wanna help

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: you can all help! *gets a giant sword* ^^

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: YAY*pulls out his saitan sword*

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: O.O wow... i feel special...

2006-09-07 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: *grabs her Kunai* yay

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: yay

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: *marches off to puerto rico* ^-^

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: *fallows*

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: oh we're off to kill rico suave the bitchest whore of them all!

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: YAY

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: ... bbl

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: ok

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: back

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: yay

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: ^^ and you're back too! *huggles* yay!

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: *huggles*yay

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: *dances around* ^^

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: *laughs*

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: *dances all around singing hit in the USA*

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: *laughs*

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: I WAS MADE TO HIT IN AMERICA! ><

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: I WAS MADE TO HURT PEOPLE

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: O.O wow violent today arent we?

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: very

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: .... you okay?

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: yes no maybe

2006-09-07 [une histoire d'amour]: .... you want a cupcake to make you feel better?

2006-09-07 [Elf_Person]: NO

2006-09-08 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: *scratches his chin* ...Hmm... How long ago was this page made?

2006-09-08 [Elf_Person]: idk dante

2006-09-08 [une histoire d'amour]: i think like two weeks... and you're evil to refuse a cupcake!

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