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2012-03-29 09:00:42
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The Fallen Kingdom, The Fallen Kingdom-Characters, High King and Queen




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2012-05-01 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sahiri glanced to Jacob before she started down the stairs. She looked at all of the people there, wondering who some of them were, others she had met briefly when her parents had gatherings.

2012-05-01 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette smiled as she eyed up the man in green and black."Consider it done."Yvette whispered with a smile. She walked over to the man in green and black. She oozed sex and passion as she walked with a sexual hint in her eyes.

2012-05-07 [MadHatress]: ~sometimes I wonder if that girl became TOO good at what she does...~ he watched from the distance as his ward took to her dirty deed. His eyes went to Jacob; he stared at the man just long enough to get a message across, tha he needed to have Sahiri brought to his side. To his misfortune, keeping appearances in pubic is rather vital to the wanna-be thriving lands. he would leave her where she stands if the option were left to him

2012-05-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette flirted with the man. She smiled, she batted her eyes at him and she kept on touching his arm or shoulder. She laughed softly at his jokes and gave him complements. She found to him to be so very annoying and boring but she would talk to this boring man if it kept Alucard happy. She hated it when he got anger.

2012-05-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sahiri finally spotted a familiar face in the crowd, a young King that had once been the man her parents had arranged a marriage with. The marriage was cancelled when he'd fallen in love with a Lord's daughter, and who wouldn't, the woman was stunning and had the sweetest temper. She was just about to make her way to them when Jacob appeared in front of her.

Jacob held his arm to her, "M'Lady, the King requests you at his side."

2012-05-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette laughed when the man said something funny."Oh you are wicked, sir!" She stepped a little closer to the man then she whispered sweet words of promises into the man ear as she ran her hand down his arm slowly like a loves caress.

2012-05-08 [MadHatress]: [gonna assume we obey the laws of science here... lol]
His eyes wandered around the room. They started with Yvette as she flirted her way into this guy's comfort zone; Alucard watched as Jacob made his way over with Sahiri. His gut instantly turned, thus his head turned away from her. When he turned his head, he glanced in a mirror and saw that his eyes were becoming more and more red as the night progressed. Much more quickly than an average day.

2012-05-08 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol, yeah, I was just typing in the view point of Sahiri... Since she wasn't paying attention, he just 'appeared'.... And if that's not what you're talking about, then I'm not surprised because I'm drugged xD]

Sahiri sighed very softly and nodded, placing her hand on his arm and let him lead her to Alucard.

"My lord." Jacob bowed a little upon 'delivering' his bride to be. He frowned slightly, feeling something off. He'd known Alucard long enough to know when his master hadn't eaten lately.

2012-05-08 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette smirked a little when she felt the man melt against her touch."My Lord Alucard will be able to give you everything you have ever desired. You just have to be loyal to him, undying loyalty."She whispered to him with a smile.

The man nodded."Yes..."He was completely besotted with Yvette. He would give his right leg to be with her.

2012-05-10 [MadHatress]: [lol! I just meant as far as mirrors go for that comment]

Alucard nodded his appreciation and glanced at Sahiri, eyes drawing a bit to the pulse under the slightly paled skin of her neck. He took his eyes away and locked them on Jacob. "have one of the servants bring me a glass of Red before something bad happens... Have them bring it from the woman whose always trying to sneak into my room at night." lately, the King was having an issue with this woman that once climbed into his room and begged to have his "hybridized, God-like child". An arm hesitantly linked to Sahiri's to quell the loud murmurs that emerged more rapidly when the two were standing side by side.

2012-05-11 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [Oh... >.< lol, then yes :D]

Jacob bowed a little, "I'll fetched you that drink immediately." He said, carefully and gently pushing his way through the crowd.

Sahiri became stiff when he linked his arm to hers, then, knowing full well that these parties were only to keep more powerful kingdoms with Alucard, so she quietly cleared her throat and cast a nervous smile to the closest people. She forced her body to appear relaxed, but any vampire there would be able to tell that her heart was threatening to pound right out of her chest. She kept on reminding herself of Alucard's earlier insults, but no matter how much her blood made him turn up his nose, she knew if he was hungry enough, then he would stoop to a level low enough to take from her.

2012-05-11 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette glanced over at Alucard and Sahiri when the man she was seducing looked over. She narrowed her eyes just a wee bit, she really disliked Sahiri. Maybe she was jealous because she was use to being the main woman in Alucard's life, not sexually. It was like a daughter dealing with the fact she is no longer the centre of her father's life cause he has a new wife now. She really couldn't wait for Alucard to kill the stupid bitch, so she could get Alucard all to herself again. She noticed that his skin was a little bit more white and his eyes where red, and then she knew he was hungry.I wonder why he isn't feeding properly? Must be the sink of Elf in the air that's putting him off his food. She thought.

2012-05-11 [MadHatress]: [lol :D I'm also going to try to work in a new character to help move things along]

He watched as the closest thing he had to a friend went to fetch him what he needed. A glanced passes to Sahiri when he felt her tense. "Is that your everyday mood, or are you that disgusted by me? I'd like to know if I'm doing my job properly..."

A man in a blue outfit was sitting in the back of the hall. he watched as the others ate, drank and enjoyed the little soiree Alucard was hosting. He scouted around for anyone of position in Alucard's service

2012-05-11 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette could feel her jealously growing inside of her, she could feel it spread through her veins. She walked away from the man, she had been seducing, and stormed out to the balcony for some air. 

[Ohhhhh! Cool :D]

2012-05-11 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sahiri didn't look at him as she spoke, busy looking at their guests. "Don't flatter yourself Lord Alucard. You're like a pebble in my shoe. A slight annoyance, but nothing I can't ignore." She finally looked at him, "Why did you call me over, when clearly it upsets your pet." She motioned slightly in Yvette's direction as the woman stormed away.

2012-05-11 [MadHatress]: Alucard watched as Yvette stormed off and smirked a little. "She watches me throw myself in to the company of loose women all the time, but never have I tied myself down in the way I have to with you. She may be my ward, but Yvette is a very jealous and protective individual. I guess you could say she has Jacob's back in protecting me from people like you..."

2012-05-11 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sahiri raised a brow, "Oh yes, people who are giving you their kingdom for the lives of the remaining citizen's must be horrible. There's only one reason I threw in the marriage clause, and it's because of how the kingdom was left to me, and because I'd like to be foolish and young and pretend you're not going to kill me on our wedding night."

2012-05-11 [MadHatress]: He smirked softly as he watched the growing crowd start to flock towards dinning tables. "If I planned on killing you, you would already be dead. I hate you; but not enough to have you killed..."

2012-05-11 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "And Dragons would have gladly feasted on you." Sahiri said simply. She smiled lightly, "While you and the vampires hate me and my kind, the Dragons agree with me on my views of Vampires." She looked at him, then to the approaching Jacob, "Particularly you." She un-linked their arms, curtsied a little and started to walk away.

Jacob approached with the glass, holding it to ALucard. "Having a nice talk?" He asked.

2012-05-11 [MadHatress]: ALucard glared after the girl as he took the glass, a quick drink and let out a slightly angered sigh. "I don't think nice is the word I would use when the conversation is shared with an elf... such annoying creatures."

2012-05-12 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette knew everyone was walking to the dinning tables. She just wanted to scream at the top of her lung, hit something or someone. She frowned when she realised that she was acting like a child. She sighed and shook her head a little. She couldn't afford to show any weakness tonight or it might harm Alucard. Most people are looking for his weakness, find it and destroy it and take out another weakness. Jacob and herself where one of his weaknesses, not that Alucard would ever admit it to himself or anyone else. She had to be strong, cold, bitchy Yvette and not child-like Yvette. She would through a fit at Alucard later on tonight just to get her point across. She took a deep breath, she smoothed out her dress and started to walk but paused when she remembered she didn't have an escort, so she stayed out on the balcony staring up at the stars.

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