Pumpkin Land
Pumpkin Land Halloween Art Competition
Pumpkin Land Halloween Art Entries 08
How to post your poem
Add your poem after the last one that has already been posted. Don't forget to put your name and the title of your poem, if you have a title.
Please follow the RULES as posted in Pumpkin Land Halloween Poetry Competition, Thank You.
Deadline : October 31, 2008
Shatureel] :
Please post our poems below this line, thank you
[~*Terror by Night*~]
A living nightmare
bloody night wear
nightly terrors
many mirrors
nothings right
candle light
cold sweat
every thing's wet
demons all around
not even a sound
unsightly things
movement stings
Best wishes to all
whom ever may call....
Sweet screams
and morbid dreams
Psycho ShadowBlood] :
[~*Vampires Of The Night~*]
When night time falls
watch out behind you
bring your garlic and crosses
on halloween night is when it happens
all vampires come out and seek their
victims cover your neck wear your cross
carry around a wooden stake watch out
for the vampires of the night.
Boomnesss] :
Beware you who seek,
A peek behind this cover,
For what you seek,
You may yet discover.
Destroy this illusion,
Or attempt if you may,
Your conscious is mystified,
In futile way.
I hide behind this facade,
Fear what you cannot see,
You cannot decipher,
Give up while you are free .
While you can, flee,
With fear resumed,
I hunt in glory,
Till your blood is consumed.
*Shadow_Child*] [
Catch me if you can]
I can not see,
I can not breathe,
But I can hear you follow me,
Your foot steps pound as each one falls,
And I wonder if you will catch me,
I run as fast as I can,
Trying to escape,
The horrors you make me face,
Everytime I look into your eyes,
I wonder if you will catch me,
I can not stand what you have become,
This is not you,
This is a beast of malice and pain,
Still I run,
I wonder if you will catch me,
I can not run forever,
But I can atleast try,
I will not face you,
I will not face the horror,
So catch me if you can,
Galadriël's Last Hallow's Eve
Galadriël, dressed as an elf one Halloween night,
Was spotted and captured promptly on sight.
Now it being the eve of Halloween,
Anything possible can always be seen.
Through the woods, as she chose to roam,
After a party on her way home,
It was dark, not a star or a moon,
To shun any willies, 'twas humming a tune.
So quickly it happened, no time to spare,
With a blood curdling scream that curled her hair,
A dark, scary being, a beastly beast,
Jumped in her path, a giant at least!
In the darkness it stood with eyes of fire,
Escape wasn't possible, yet her only desire.
She was quickly reformed, helplessly entranced,
The beast cast a spell as 'round her he danced.
A cloak of musty, yet a sweet scent of pine,
Was draped over her by careful design.
The beast transformed into a handsome drow.
Galadriël's reaction visible, he smiled with a bow.
As he advanced, she stood motionless, still,
Her thoughts possessed, lacking free will.
Suddenly there shone a moonbeam nigh
From a moon once gone from a blackened sky.
Rúmil swept her up, ungrounding her feet.
They twirled and spun, gravity thus beat.
The shaft of light from the black magic moon
Carried them high in a voracious typhoon.
Upward and over the forest they rose.
Where they went, only the owl knows.
For he watched it all from his private tree.
He ain't saying anything, but "Whooo" to me!
© 10/21/2008
Voting is now Open, Deadline 11/15/08