Page name: DreamState [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-08-21 04:26:32
Last author: HeAVenShallBuRN
Owner: Ritsuka-Kun
# of watchers: 7
D20: 7
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Where dreams are reality and reality are dreams

Storyline/Plot: In this reality-like DreamState there are many ways the story can go. Many storylines that could be followed. But for the most part the normal or not so normal depending on your character lives are disrupted when a dark force comes to rid the world of all its inhabitants and destroy the planet. Its up to the us to help stop this dark force and to save the world. But randomly everyone will be thrown from reality into a dream of one of the characters and you will be stuck in their dreamland til you can figure out their dream and finish it completely it could take a small amount of time or it could take a great amount of time all depends on the person's dream.

[nothin to grave or restricting just the basics really]
1. You do not have to have a dream realm for your character that is optional but if someone does go into a dream realm then all other characters go into the same dream realm with you.
2. It is not optional to skip a dream realm of any other character if another character activitates a dream for one of their characters then your character has to go into their dream. You cannot say that your character is stuck in reality.
3. no one is all powerful or invincible, even in their own dreamland,
4. All sex must go under-detailed or be put in here --------> XXX dreams XD
5. please message me [Ritsuka-Kun] or any co-owner of teh wiki [wolvie] with any questions you may have :D
6. you can be whomever you want in this wiki doesnt have to be someone completely made up if you dont want
7. your dreamland can have whatever you want in it no matter what it is no limitations on that
8. you can have as many characters as you want but any more than 3 and please make a wiki for all of them k? thanks :D
10. Don't die whilst RPGing in this epic RPG damnit! >.<
11. indicate in some form that we're going into a dream realm :D thank ya :D ex: a piercing sound, bells, it gets extremely foggy....etc....

[more rules to come as followed :D <3 ya :D]

When filling out your character info please use this [but you may deviate a little and add what you think is necessary for your character]:

History: [something to help explain you if you do go into a dream realm]
Other Info:
[pic is optional]

Name: Link
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: she's fun, easy-going, very laid back, though she's sometimes to laid back and it seems like she's lazy
Race: Human
Weapons/Powers: she has a small pistol in the satchel she always carrys around with her
History: She's had a relatively easy life. She was born to rich parents who spoiled her to no end and still do. If she ever needs money she knows where to go. Also she's always very flirty with the opposite sex and sometimes uses her femininity to get what she wants or needs. Her dreams are mainly of weird and very random things :D
Other Info: none for now :D

Name: Gackt Camui
Age: He looks to be 21 but he claims to be over 400 yrs old.
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay ^^
Personality: he can be very random, but for the most part he keeps to himself not feeling to normal due to what he is, he can come across as cold but really isnt he's just shy also he's quiet about his sexuality
Race: Hybrid - he's both a vampire and a wolf
Weapons: he has two daggers that he keeps hidden under his jacket at his waist also he has his vampiric powers
History: He's lived a quiet life away from the normal world for the most part there are years in his life that are just blackouts to him cause either something bad happen to him or he had fallen and lost to much blood in a battle and went into a deep sleep for a few years to regain his powers.
Other info: he often dreams of what happened during those years that he blacked out and sometimes he has "frisky" dreams XD, also he mainly feeds from humans and rarely from animals, he can now shift between his wolf and vampire forms

Name: Zero
Age: He looks to be 21 but he claims to be over 100 yrs old.
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi ^^
Personality: he's very open about his sexuality, he looks very feminine, but he's nice, caring, very accepting and open about all people
Race: Vampire
Weapons: he has two daggers that he keeps hidden under his jacket at his waist also he has his vampiric powers
History: he has "frisky" dreams XD, also he mainly feeds from humans and rarely from animals

teh most intense character :D
Name: Logan/Wolverine
Age: unknown [he is over 170 but has no memories other then the last 15 years]
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi
Personality: he is a very cold man, he tries to stay as far away from other people as he can, being afraid that if he gets close to people he'll just hurt them
Race: Mutant
Weapons/Powers: He can heal from virtually any wound, has retractable adamantium claws, and his skeleton is fused with adamantium
History: He's fought in multiple wars, has witnessed the deaths of multiple loved ones and friends, about 15 years ago he was experimented on by the government, giving him his adamantium claws and causing him to loose his memories
He mostly dreams about being experimented on and fighting in the wars, almost all of his dreams are nightmares
Other Info: He gets extremly defensive and rude when people bug him about his sexuality. He was raped at a very young age, and though the memory has since been erased, he still frequently has nightmares about it and wakes up with very vague memories of it
<img:> <--werewolf form :D

Name: Hades
Age: 18
Gender: male
Sexuality: He's unsure
Personality: He's well him as a wolf he\ll do anything as a human he stays in the shadows
Race: werewolf but can change between forms willingly
Weapons/Powers: He has a few daggers hidden on him, and can change to a wolf
History: He grew up with his uncle he was given a necklace by his dad before he dissapered and he always wares it it's extra long and it's what get's him to the dream world. He usally dreams about becoming a werewolf or being a wolf or has some really fed up stuff
Other Info:
wolf form coming

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2010-02-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"And verra cute when ye blush." she smiles and kisses him lightly

2010-02-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Zero blushed even more kissing her back

2010-02-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle smiles at him

2010-02-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Zero smiled back

2010-02-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle cuddled him

2010-02-23 [wolvie]: Logan, "What's wrong with you?"

2010-02-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Zero purred as he cuddled back

Gackt "Im hypersensitive around blood it kinda drives me outta control i wouldnt want to hurt you"

2010-02-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle."Ye sound like a cat when you purr."she smiles

2010-02-23 [wolvie]: Logan nods, "Sorry then but if you need to feed go ahead"

2010-02-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Zero chuckles "a pretty kitty?"

Gackt shakes his head "i dont need to feed i just dont have control over my blood lust"

2010-02-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"A verra pretty kitty."she smiles

2010-02-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Zero chuckled "yay me"

2010-02-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle giggles

2010-02-23 [wolvie]: Logan nods, "I see"

2010-02-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Zero chuckled

Gackt nods "yea"

2010-02-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle smiles

2010-02-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Zero smiled back nuzzling her nose with his

2010-02-23 [wolvie]: Logan nods and goes back to cooking

2010-02-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle nuzzled her nose to his back

2010-02-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt sits back down.

Zero giggled.

2010-02-23 [wolvie]: Logan finishes then puts a plate down for Gackt

2010-02-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle smiles

2010-02-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "thanks"

Zero smiled back

2010-02-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"So what do you what to do now?"

2010-02-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Zero shrugged "i dunno what are you up for?"

2010-02-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"Anything."

2010-02-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Zero chuckled "so helpful"

2010-02-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"I ken."she giggles

2010-02-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Zero playfully nuzzled her neck

2010-02-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle shivers and blushes

2010-02-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Zero purred nipping lightly at her neck

2010-02-23 [wolvie]: Logan nods, "No problem" he says then goes to smoke

2010-02-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles taking the chance to look at Logan's butt.

2010-02-23 [wolvie]: Logan doesn't notice Gackt as he goes outside, lighting a cigar

2010-02-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle shivers and lightly gasps

2010-02-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles saying to himself "cute ass"

Zero smiles softly "yes michelle?"

2010-02-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle blushed,"Nothing."

2010-02-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Zero chuckles "awe tell me"

2010-02-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"Tis nothing."

2010-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Zero smiles "awe no fair"

2010-02-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle shrugged and kissed his cheek

2010-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Zero smiled "Fine dont tell me"

2010-02-24 [wolvie]: Logan comes back in a few minutes later, "What're you muttering about?"

2010-02-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"Fine I won't."she kissed his chin

2010-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt jumps "nothing" he smiles

Zero chuckles "No fair"

2010-02-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"I know."she giggles

2010-02-24 [wolvie]: Logan nods, getting himself a little bit of food, "Good thing too"

2010-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Zero sticks his tongue out.

Gackt "why's that?"

2010-02-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle kissed his tongue and giggles

2010-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Zero giggled and blushed

2010-02-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle smiles

2010-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Zero smiled back poking her nose "so cute"

2010-02-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle giggles and blushes

2010-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Zero smiles purring

2010-02-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle cuddles him

2010-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: zero yawned cuddling back.

2010-02-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle poked his cheek,"Tired."

2010-02-24 [wolvie]: Logan shrugs

2010-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Zero "a little"

Gackt chuckles "No reason?"

2010-02-24 [wolvie]: Logan, "damned right...i think"

2010-02-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"Go rest."

2010-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt giggles "you make no sense"

Zero snuggles to Michelle "k ^^"

2010-02-24 [wolvie]: Logan, "So?"

2010-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt shrugs "i dont know why so many questions?"

2010-02-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle giggles lightly as she snuggles him back

2010-02-24 [wolvie]: Logan chuckles, "Why not?"

2010-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Zero yawns again.

Gackt smiles "well i dont know"

2010-02-24 [wolvie]: Logan smiles back, "Weirdo"

2010-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt sticks his tongue out "people think my weirdness is cute"

2010-02-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle held him close to her

2010-02-24 [wolvie]: Logan, "Good for you"

2010-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt pouts cutely "you dont think im cute?"

Zero fell into a light sleep

2010-02-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle watched him sleep

2010-02-24 [wolvie]: Logan shrugs, not replying one way or the other

2010-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Zero smiled softly in his sleep.

Gackt smiles "awe no reply?"

2010-02-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle soon fell to sleep

2010-02-24 [wolvie]: Logan smiles back, "That's right fool"

2010-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt giggles "well damn"

Link yawned and stretches

2010-02-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ro sleeps

2010-02-24 [wolvie]: Logan yawns a little

2010-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "tired already?"

2010-02-24 [wolvie]: Logan smiles, "No bored"

2010-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles back "well damn we gotta find somethin to do to make you not bored" he giggles "I wish that made sense"

2010-02-24 [wolvie]: Logan, "It does in a strange way"

2010-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles "well then alright so what do you wanna do?"

2010-02-24 [wolvie]: Logan smiles back and shrugs, "I might go hunting"

2010-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "hunting?"

2010-02-24 [wolvie]: Logan nods, "I hunt deer mostly but that beer" he points to a beer fur blanket on the couch, "I got him two"

2010-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nods "oh that sounds like fun ive gone hunting before but for other things"

2010-02-24 [wolvie]: Logan, "What do you hunt for?"

2010-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "Heh heh people who deserve death" he bites his lip "mainly pedophiles"

2010-02-24 [wolvie]: Logan nods, "Sounds fun"

2010-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt raises his brow "didnt you say it was still wrong?"

2010-02-24 [wolvie]: Logan shrugs, "Not if its a pedophile'

2010-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nods "well alright but we can try your hunting"

2010-02-24 [wolvie]: Logan nods and shifts to his wolf form

2010-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt shifts as well.

2010-02-24 [wolvie]: Logan wags his tail slightly, "Follow me" he runs outside and sniffs

2010-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nods and smiles following after him.

2010-02-24 [wolvie]: Logan smiles back lightly, "Sniff around you can decide what we hunt"

2010-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt sniffs lightly "i smell a squirrel"

2010-02-24 [wolvie]: Logan sniffs also, "You want to hunt a squirel?"

2010-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt sniffs more "its all i can smell" then again i was hopin to smell a horny wolf but ya bastard arent >.<

2010-02-24 [wolvie]: Logan nods, "Alright let's go then" he wags his tail slgithly

2010-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt chuckles "well alright"

2010-02-24 [wolvie]: Logan nods and starts following the scent, starting to get a little excited from the thrill of the hunt

2010-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles sniffing in Logan's direction ah someone's gettin excited but dammit im not the one causing it

2010-02-24 [wolvie]: Logan stops then smiles back, his tail wagging slowly, "What?"

2010-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt wags his tail "err nothin?"

2010-02-24 [wolvie]: Logan nods and pants softly, looking around, "you smell something?"

2010-02-24 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nods walking forward a little "yea" he blushes hopping back "thats you you're excited by the hunt"

2010-02-24 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Freddy wanders the streets with a nice sized gash on his chest.

2010-02-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna was at a cafe sipping a honey latte as she reads a romance book.

2010-02-24 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Freddy walks by the window where Luna is and falls down from blood loss against the window

2010-02-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna jumped when she heard Freddy hit the window and she got up and looked out the window and saw him. She grabed her cell phone out and called a ambulance then she ran out the cafe and knelt by him.

2010-02-24 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Freddy looks up at Luna and smiles. "I'm sorry for scaring u the other night. Now i need u to do somethin for me"

2010-02-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"I've called for a ambulance for you."

2010-02-24 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Freddy shakes his head. "They will take one look at me and kill me just for who i am. I need u to tap into ur darker instincts and scare people. I get power from fear"

2010-02-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna blinked,"I...can't scare people cause I'm just not scarey looking."

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan blushes slightly then nods, "Sorry can't help that" he says and starts sniffing around again

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles "I dont mind it"

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan smiles back lightly and nods, he is pretty cute but no damnit it wouldn't be right he thinks but starts to find it very difficult to concentrate on the hunt after a few seconds of inhaling Gackt's scent

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt runs ahead then hops laying his front end down his butt wiggling a little as he tries to sticks his nose in a hole.

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan tilts his head, watching Gackt and shivering lightly

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt digs at the hole come here ya stupid little mouse thing i just wanna play

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan whimpers slightly, watching Gackt and getting excited

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt wags his tail looking back at Logan it wont come out

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan tilts his head, 'errr...what come out?' he asks, clearly not paying attention

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt tilts his head 'the mouse you distracted?'

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan, 'oh i'm sorry' he wags his tail, trying to keep from jumping on Gackt and claiming him

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt goes back to tryin to dig out the mouse clearly not gonna give up as he raises his tail.

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan bites his lip then walks over, sniffing at Gackt's rear end then blushing, trying to ignore him

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt blushes freezing for a second then goes back to digging trying to hide the scent of him being excited

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan whimpers and blushes furiously, trying to sniff around to find another scent

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt shifts back to normal and pants softly calm down boy...calm down

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan looks over and lightly wags his tail, calming down when Gackt shifts

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles "um logan i'll be right back" he walks quickly heading for the nearest lake he can find fuck he's good at gettin to me he strips out of his clothes then gets into the water "gotta love cold water"

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan nods and smiles back then lays down, shifting back to normal, "Gotta find something to cool me off"

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt takes a deep breath slowly calming down

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan shrugs then heads for the nearest lake XD

2010-02-25 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Freddy wanders through the woods, following some tracks leading towards a lake.

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles leaning on the side of the lake not paying attention whats around him

2010-02-25 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Freddy climbs up a tree and sits, watching.

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan shifts back to his wolf form growling softly when he finds Freddy's scent

2010-02-25 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Freddy climbs to another tree, and another, making a scent trail that he hopes will keep Logan busy a few minutes.

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan growls and starts to follow the scent then changes his mind, going to the lake in case Freddy decides to try and attack Gackt

2010-02-25 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Freddy waits til Logans guard is down then lands silently behind him, turing into Will Stryker. "Hi Logan."

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan jumps then turns and growls, "who're you?" he asks, not recognizing Will Stryker

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt looked around "who's there?"

2010-02-25 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Freddy turns back into Freddy and smiles. "Thats rude. U dont even recognize an old friend?"

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan tilts his head then growls more, advancing towards Freddy, "your that freak that attacked Gackt"

2010-02-25 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Freddy doesnt move. "I didnt attack him. I just wanted to say hello after being gone for so long"

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan growls, getting ready to lunge, "Give me one good reason not to rip you apart"

2010-02-25 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Freddy smiles as another Freddy steps outta the lake and grabs Gackt. "Cuz u dont know which one of me will kill Gackt"

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt blushes "can i at least get dressed >.<"

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan jumps then growls more, "your startin to piss me off bub"

2010-02-25 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Freddy smiles evilly. "Ill make u a deal. I let Gackt go and u dont kill me and we talk nice"

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt shakes "god please let me go..."

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan keeps growling, "Let him come to me then I'll back off"

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt shakes tryin to wiggle away

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan growls louder, getting lower to lunge, "you've got three seconds to agree"

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt manages to wiggle away and backs away in the water making freddy disappear

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan nods and growls again, going to lunge at Freddy but he disappears as he lunges

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt shakes trying to calm down

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan stays in his wolf form then jumps into the water, swimming towards Gackt, "hey it's alright I promise I won't let anything happen to you"

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nods slowly calming down "i know"

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan pants slightly, "You alright?"

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nods "yea im ok"

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan nods, "Good come on lets get you home" he says then starts swiming back to the shore

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nods "yea ok" he goes to the edge of the lake and starts to get out then blushes "please look away though"

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan nods, getting to the edge and shaking his furr off then looking away to give Gackt some privacy

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt gets out and gets dressed "alright"

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan sighs, "You done?" he asks, keeping turned

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nods "yes im dressed"

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan nods then wags his tail slightly as he turns to look, "Good"

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles "well let us go"

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan smiles back and nods, "I'll take you back then finish my hunt"

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nods "alright sounds good"

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan nods and starts walking

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles walking with him

2010-02-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ro woke up and saw that Michelle and Zero where still asleep so he walked to the kitchen for a drink.

Michelle sleeps

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Linked hopped down the stairs

2010-02-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ro put the kettle on, got a mug out and poped a tea bag in it while he waits for the kettle to be ready.

Michelle cuddled Zero as she sleeps

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Zero smiled happily in his sleep.

Link "whatcha doin ro?"

2010-02-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ro,"Making a cup of tea."

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Link "sounds good"

2010-02-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ro,"You want a cup?"

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Link smiles "Sure why not"

2010-02-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ro nodded and made Link a cup of tea then handed it to her

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Link smiled sipping at the tea "very good"

2010-02-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ro shrugged,"Thanks."he sipped his tea

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Link nods and drinks her tea quietly

2010-02-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ro,"Michelle and Zero are sleeping together in the living room."he chuckles

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Link giggled "oddly im not surprised"

2010-02-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ro chuckles

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Link giggled "weird zero he is"

2010-02-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ro,"And Shelly is just as weird as he is."

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Link "their too perfect for each other"

2010-02-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ro,"Their so are."

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Link giggles "damn now i cant play a trick on zero"

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