Page name: Dir En Grey's Castle Room [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-04-23 18:28:05
Last author: Yudan333
Owner: Yudan333
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Dir En Grey's Castle Room


Profile: Yudan's Anthropians

Ahh the playful wolf boy! Such a lively room! He has toys and game boards that he was able to salvage and a bright room to keep his energy up! He is a shifter so he may appear as someone else however don't worry I am sure he is just playing around as he usually does!

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2011-12-29 [Yudan333]: Grey watched the door and his muscles tightened in his pj's, "Vampire.. and thirsty." He went to the door and unlocked it as he stared at the tall male standing there in black pants and a crimson tee and a black jacket. "Rick you need to leave." Grey asked sternly with eyes narrowing.

Rick smirked as he looked past him to the sleeping child and to her vein licking his lips, "No way would I pass up innocent blood Grey. Step aside." He went to pass him but Grey pushed himself forward making Rick narrow his eyes, "Damn wolf." He slammed his fist so swiftly it was unseen but Grey had caught several punches to his gut. He then shoved Grey toward the hall and shut the door locking it and smirks looking back to the child, "Dinner time.."

2011-12-30 [Sicarius]: If they could have narrowed, Irving's eyes would have. This wasn't good...

And it just got worse...The rabbit was actually scared...not that the vampire could tell. He glared at the man, having heard his words, "...I doubt it..." Try to bluff...that's all I can do...either that or wake her and take my chances...

The girl sighed softly in her sleep, hugging the rabbit tightly. The garnet eyed butterfly looked at Rick, then fluttered its wings. In a few moments a cloud of silver insects formed a dense cloud around his face, burning wings seeking out uncovered flesh...Thank the Fates...if we're lucky they'll be a distraction long enough for that whelp to break down the door...if not she'll either wake, or that damn Night Walker will get his fangs in her and I hate to think what might happen should he manage it...

2011-12-30 [Yudan333]: Rick smirked as his bright orange hair layered about his shoulders as he shook his head seeing the bugs and slashed with his nails cutting wings off them, "Pests.." He moved closer to Ari still attacking the bugs.

'God Ari.. please don't wake I don't want you to see me like this..' "This is going to hurt.." HE tightened all his muscles as they began to grow and his bones began to snap and grow as his muscles bulged; his nose extended into a muzzle and fur coated his body. He rose up to 6'7" with large body and fangs with claws to match. His fur matched his grey eyes as though he were a mix of grey and white. He took the door knob and ripped it out pushing the door open. Seeing Rick he bared his fangs and rushed him grabbing him digging his claws in his shoulder, Leave Rick.. His voice much more gruff as he bared his fangs.

Rick smirked and rushed him into the hall slamming him into the wall then both were thrown down the hall toward the bathrooms as growls came from Grey hisses came from Rick.

2011-12-31 [Sicarius]: The rabbit let out a sharp bark of laughter at the vampire's words, "They served their purpose Night Walker," he said as Grey burst into the room. And, they'll continue to do so...he thought, as another cloud of them appeared to envelop Rick's face during his scuffle with the Shifter...

Ari stirred in her sleep...and try as he might to keep her from waking during the noisy tussle, Irving could only do so much. Dark eyes opened and one hand rose to sleepily rub them as the other gripped the rabbit tightly. "What's going on Mister Irving?" The bunny didn't even have time to reply as the sound of someone slamming into the wall caused the girl to start and move from the bed to the floor, eyes wide with fear. It was as though she could not control her own movements as she wandered out of the room toward the growling and hissing. "Miss Ari, you should go back to the room...Dir En Grey will be back shortly..." The rabbit's advice fell on deaf ears...something bade her see what was happening...

Irving sighed, "Remember Lady Amber? How I told you she was a vampire?" His questions caused her to stop. "Yes," she replied, voice soft, fearful. "This is one of the bad ones..." the rabbit paused briefly, "...the Shifter is trying to keep him away...and he might just win...Shifter he may be, but Grey is not like those you've met before...he's more than proven that...Now my suggestion, Miss Ariston, is to return to the bedroom...the Shifter lured him out of there for a reason-"

" I'd be safe..." the girl murmured, hugging the rabbit tighter as she stood there. "Precisely," he replied, and another bigger cloud of silver winged insects appeared surrounding them both. "Now please, Miss Ari, let's go back to bed." Ari shook her head, "...but he might need help..." Irving was about to reply when the young maid spoke again, "...I won't leave him alone..." Of course...the rabbit gave an inward sigh. "As you wish, Miss Ariston..."

2012-04-22 [Yudan333]: Grey hit the tile wall and bared his fangs as he bit into the vampires shoulder; his claws were extended and dug into his chest. I have to keep fighting for her! I will win! LEAVE RICK! He dug his fangs deep into the male as he was pinned to the wall.

Rick only smirked at the pain seeing his blood coat the grey coated wolf and maw, "You are such an animal. So primal yet you went soft somewhere in evolution. Is it because your father was a werewolf that raped your mother?! Or is it your daddy that was human that boned a wolf?! You're nothing but inbreed Beasts!" Rick hissed and kneed the wolf between the legs and then shoved his neck up as though to fire the final blow.

Though was stopped by the firm paw of the young male as he smiled, "I don't want to fight you. I have no grudge against vampires, humans, or demons for that matter... please just go." He pleaded softly his eye swollen and his shoulder and hips bleeding. He saw Rick huff and call him pathetic among other things and then leapt out the open bathroom window into the night. Grey slowly slumped down against the males bathroom and to the tile. He breathed heavily and slowly slumped over to his stomach a bit of blood pooling at his stomach and shoulder. His large nostrils flared as he gazed to the entrance and licked his nose of blood, "Why did he go for the cock shot... god my balls hurt." He whined and cupped his naked genitals. 'I saved Ari... i'm glad. but i cant let her see me like this monster...' He winced as he bit his jaw as his bones snapped and muscles shrank. It was a most painful process which he mastered but nevertheless the pain still remained.

He was human his slender bare form rather pale in the dark bathroom. Blood left the claw wounds at his small waist and chest as puncture marks were at his neck. He sat up kneeling still holding his groin, "I have to clean this mess.." He looked to the blood on the floor then on him his dim grey eyes looked up to the entrance and shuddered as he saw her, "Ari... what are you-" He was in shock but also slightly worried that she would see him mostly naked but also wounded. He saw her eyes and smiled, "Hey don't look at me like that I'm fine. Just a few cuts is all and he bit me! Like those tropical man eating fish! Guess I should call him Pirana!" He chuckled and smiled keeping his cheery mood as always.

2012-04-22 [Sicarius]: Ariston merely gaped at the sight of Grey, battered and bloody. It did not register with her that the Shifter was naked...and even if it had, it would not have mattered...a friend was hurt...Why can't I move? she thought.

It was Irving who broke the silence.

"That was too easy..."

Ari's paralysis seemed to leave shortly after those words were spoken. "'re bleeding..." Okay, an obvious statement...but at least she was talking. "...we should get some bandages..." Still more words...progress to be sure...but her speech was stilted...The child was still in shock.

Garnet eyed butterfly removed itself from her hair, then fluttered toward the wolf. Landing gently, its tongue unfurled at the site of one of the more ferocious wounds and proceeded to syphon blood into itself...a few seconds later, it was healed, save for a minor scar. When this was accomplished it fluttered back to Ari and settled in her hair, once more taking its place as a hairclip.

"So," Irving said, breaking the silence, "what now? Are we to have more episodes like this one?"

2012-04-22 [Yudan333]: Grey blinked as he gazed to her shocked face and he simply smiled. Seeing the butterfly he stayed still and watched his shoulder slowly healing from the power of the winged creature. He smiled and looked to Irving, "Yea maybe but I hope not too many more." He would have rubbed his head but his hands were to busy cupping his male parts.

His eyes looked to Ari, "Hey if you want to help go back to the room and pull out some clothes for me in the closet. I'll wear anything you pick out okay? Oh and the first aid is under the bed so pull it out okay? I'll wash up some here."

2012-04-23 [Sicarius]: Irving chuckled darkly, " won't last many more of them..."

Ariston nodded at Grey's words, and clutching Irving tightly, turned and walked back to the bedroom. She gave a sigh as she opened the closet door and looked up at the clothes, then grabbed a brown shortsleeved shirt that had an imprint of an angry looking bear and a pair of well worn jeans...It took some jumping and the setting down of the rabbit for her to get them but eventually her work paid off. She folded the garments carefully placing them beside Irving, then moved to the bunkbed. Kneeling down, she peeked underneath and grabbed hold of the handle to the clear plastic case.

Case in hand she moved once more to the clothes and her precious handsewn bunny. Hugging the black rabbit and clothes to her she wandered back out into the hall and, after a few moments, she found herself waiting outside the bathroom.

2012-04-23 [Yudan333]: Grey watched her go then quickly began to clean the blood with a dark towel and tossed it in a bin then went into a clear enclosed showering room and rinsed off all the blood letting the warm water rush over his skin. He took a towel but set it on the counter and stood back and shook off his entire body as he was left dry. He wrapped the towel around his hip then went to the door opening it then looked down seeing Ari he smiled.

Taking the clothes he put them on his shoulder and then lifted her up into his arms and carried her, "Come Princess Ari! We must return to dream land so that we may both we well rested for the real world." He walked to the bed and sat her down he then began to fix the door a bit. On his back was a long scar from his shoulder to the opposite hip and then when he turned he saw her eyes. He looked to his chest seeing the cuts getting ready to trickle. He quickly sat down towel still on and began to bandage himself up as though he had don't it many times before.

2012-04-23 [Sicarius]: Dark eyes opened wide at his comment of going back to sleep. "...what if he's still there?" A small amount of terror was held within...though it passed soon enough and she cozied up next to him...seconds later she was asleep.

"So, what's the plan, Shifter?" the gruff rabbit sighed, "...I persuaded Miss Ariston to come here in the belief she would be safer...perhaps I was wrong in making such a presumption...Nightwalkers and Shifters...who knows what else she might encounter here...and what might trigger her...episodes..."

2012-04-23 [Yudan333]: Grey settled her in the bed covering her in the sheets. He rubs the back of his neck and looked to her and his eyes softened, 'I just wanted to protect her...' He sat down on his but on the ground as he put a wrap about his chest and waist then a large band-aid near his collar.

He stood and dropped the towel as he slid on the clothes she had picked out and then leaned against the bed frame closing his eyes, "Maybe she will be safer in the woman's dorm. I guess the men here are rather dangerous... I just wanted to help. I know I can and I intend to stay with here at any cost."

2012-04-23 [Sicarius]: Irving let out a sigh, "You misunderstand...regardless of where in this castle she is placed, there is danger...your actions were honorable...and, as I am unable at present to change to my true form, most welcome...That vampire...Rick...he'll likely do his best to get his hands on Miss Ariston...his kind always do...the fact she is yet an innocent will only strengthen his desire to satiate his thirst for her blood..." Blue button eyes were grim, "...We met a vampire earlier...a Miss Amber...perhaps, were you to speak to her on Ariston's behalf, she might be able to shorten that brute's the very least, she would be aware of the situation..."

Ari gave a sleepy murmur as she shifted in her sleep...the handsewn gave another sigh, "Right...I doubt either one of us is going to get much, would you mind telling me something about your background."

2012-04-23 [Yudan333]: Grey listened and relaxed on the bed yawning lightly from being a bit weary form the fight but he was still awake. He shook his head at the thought of that dreadful pale woman, "Amber? Must I? She honestly scares me. She is a Shifters nightmare and wet dream. She's a very lusty woman... If I have to to save Ari though I will gladly risk anything. I will notify her then possibly Saku."

He yawned once more which was a bit more audible especially with his mouth stretching wide, "Hmm? my background? Like what? I honestly don't remember much of my years... i have lived so many that they have began to blur together. I can't even remember if i had siblings or not or anything about my parents. I just know my abilities."

2012-04-23 [Sicarius]: The rabbit gave a gruff chuckle, "Odd you should be so frightened...she's actually the one who pointed us in your direction...As for the lusty part...yeah it's rather hard to miss..." He gave another chuckle then gave a long sigh, "...there's nothing to be done if you are speaking about her abilities or the nightmares she all too often encounters both in slumber and in wakefulness..." a pause, then he switched topics. "Who is this Saku character?"

When Grey finished speaking, Irving huffed, "I figured as, what are your abilities exactly...besides getting your ass kicked by a Nightwalker..." a sharp bark of laughter...whoever would have guessed the old bunny had a sense of humour?

2012-04-23 [Yudan333]: Grey opened his eyes as he spoke and sighed soflty, "Saku is the oldest and wisest one here. He is the one whom started all this. He's a kind vampire. He's really powerful but I have never seen him fight but I bet it would be amazing..."

He blinked and looked back at the hare, "Hey hey hey, I did my best well at least some, I didn't want to fight I was trying to avoid it really. I can fight I just don't like too. I probably could have won but.. If I get serious... it changes something in me.." He touched his chest, "I feel like a real beast and an animal... something uncontrollable. I'm worried someone could get hurt."

2012-04-26 [Sicarius]: If he could have, the old rabbit would have grinned. "Amazing long as one was not on the recieving end..."

Irving listened patiently, handsewn ears taking every word in. "It's called being a Shifter..." he replied shortly. "And at least you are able to control, for the most part, when you become what you become...Miss Ariston cannot...The butterflies react to her unconcious desire to protect or heal...sometimes they react on their own...A shifting Shade that alternately attacks and shelters her...and then there are the times when she comes dangerously close to unraveling completely...a time when her abilities can be exploited...and indeed were..."

2012-05-06 [Yudan333]: Grey rubbed his chest at a small remaining pain but not from the fight. It was from the idea of being what he was. He brushed his hair back and looked to the two in bed. He knelled at the bed and saw the red butterfly and smiled whispering, "Please don't hurt me.." He gently brushed through her hair and smiled gazing to her as he closed his eyes resting his head on the side of the bed and began humming a tune that was passed through his family for generations. It was known as Pan's Labyrinth: Long long time ago. (it's a real song. Look it up. By Javier Navarrete ^^)

2012-05-06 [Sicarius]: Irving sighed, "It's nothing to be ashamed of...your being a simply is...Accept it and move on...make it your own...if it is the young miss you are worried about, you need not do so...You cannot scare her away even if you wish to...Your actions have let her see not all of your kind are as cruel as some...She may be frightened sometimes by the magnitude of your abilities, or how your personality might change, but that will pass quickly and she will see you once more as protector..." a long pause, "...She is in sore need of one who can actually help her..."

The garnet eyes of the silver winged insect merely stared at the Shifter...wings fluttered slightly, then stilled. "The butterfly, ever present...both blessing and curse to her...though she sees them more as the latter...They were what led the proverbial wolf to her door...the cause of her parents' untimely demise...why she was chosen by the Creator...and ultimately used by the Warbirds instead of being slaughtered like so many others..."

2012-06-11 [Yudan333]: Grey brushed his fingers through her hair listening to the hare which spoke to him. His eyes had a tiredness in them as he tried to keep them open. He was catching every word despite the fact his body was giving up on trying to stay conscious. "I will keep her safe. I will protect her with all the power invested in me." He smiled and closed his eyes as his hand lowered to hold hers loosely, "I love you my little Ari.." His smile faded as sleep and darkness took him into the unknown.

2012-07-11 [Sicarius]: Irving sighed as he heard Grey's promise. "You'll try...and if you're lucky, you'll manage to escape unscathed..." Ari gripped the Shifter's hand tighter in her sleep. Blue button eyes seemed to reveal some sadness, "In time she won't need me...stuck in this form I'm at her mercy...when she grows, she'll likely one day forget about me...and who knows, perhaps I'll have redeemed myself by that time...and can keep watch from a distance..."

2012-07-18 [Yudan333]: Grey yawned after a full hours of sleep and winced batting his eyelides seeing Ari fast asleep still. He smiled then yawned once more as he slipped away and stood stretching as his spine began to pop all the way up. He then snapped his neck left then right and shook off the tiredness. He flicked his nose and huffed as he looked over to the girl then to the hare. Moving to the closet he got a shirt and threw it on. It was a plain grey tee with a penguin on the front. He then got some boxers and pants then closed the closet being able to change in there. He came out in black shorts which went to his knees. He popped his toes then looked to the two waiting to see if either were awake. He thought of leaving to get breakfast seeing as the vampires wouldn't be out He hoped they could have fun during the day.

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